However Trump goes down, Pence needs to go with him. Trump is a chaotic clown who's often his own worst enemy. Pence knows how to get things done. He'd be a nightmare as President.
However Trump goes down, Pence needs to go with him. Trump is a chaotic clown who's often his own worst enemy. Pence knows how to get things done. He'd be a nightmare as President.
Wrong. She pushed him first. Doesn’t excuse his fucked up actions, but don’t push a false narrative.
I don’t get it, why was he being surrounded by these kids? The article linked below seems to suggest he was telling them to leave, but is he just some random dude who goes around telling people to disperse?
So, here are you options, troll. Find your bridge and 1. crawl beneath it and never come out, again 2. or jump from its pier. Your choice.
I’m actually going to be the contrarian for once:
Read the "guaranteed delivery" terms and conditions. Yeah it sucks I know. Also it isn't their fault if the prime item is shipped with USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. Unless they ship it late. It is only their fault if it is shipped with Amazon Logistics (AMZL US / AMZN US) because that is their own private carrier.
For first person games, if possible, try to tweak FOV higher so that you have higher awareness of the surrounding, turn off motion blur where applicable, and play in higher frames/seconds.
64 GB should be baseline for all Apple devices! I remember the growing pains of using an iPhone with 8GB and 16GB storage. How about a micro SD card slot??
64 GB should be baseline for all Apple devices! I remember the growing pains of using an iPhone with 8GB and 16GB…
What... Exactly were they doing? Pushing a giant spool up stairs unsupported? Lol.
A giant industrial spool of fiber optic cable fell off a truck and went cruising down the Houston highway yesterday.
Before you jump on this, the 32GB iPad has probably much, much less storage that you will actually want.
Before you jump on this, the 32GB iPad has probably much, much less storage that you will actually want.
Goddammit another misleading headline: totally thought this was going to be a Mr. Robot style hijack and am disappointed it’s just workaday folks doing good things for strangers. Borrrring!
Escalation of extremist humour, deprecation of social inhibitions, and a recent history of people escaping without consequence or guilt. Likely brought on by normalization via recurrent media broadcasting.
In other words, stupid people see shit on TV and Youtube and think “I can do you one better and get away with it.”
Sorry, I have to disagree. “The Emperor That Pays For Boys” takes the cake.
Yeah, scrape the crap off your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. People seem to think that, “Oh, hey; I’ve got 20 pans leftover from cooking lasagna last night, maybe I can just stuff all my crusty pans in the dishwasher! That’ll fix EVERYTHING.”
Wouldn’t the mother simply be passing her natural biogens to her newborn? You’re contaminating the nipple with your towel, anyway.
are you using cheap soap? I found that I have to use name brand soap like Cascade or something to get the dishes actually clean as opposed to cheapo housebrand
This point can only be reasonably made with an equal vigor to protecting the health of the children and adults they become once they are born and navigating this world. Sadly, those espousing your sentiment are almost never committed to that.
And the photo doesn’t show anything that is ever aborted in ANY instances unless it is dead or not going to live and will kill its mother as well. Zygotes, embryos, and early-stage fetuses are completely different than the viable fetuses shown. Stop endangering the lives of women just because you don’t understand how…
interesting. the thing is, i’m DEFINITELY not 100% alert when i wake up.