
I have serious doubts about that table even being accurate, but assuming for the moment that it’s from a legitimate source, it definitely leaves out enough nuance to be massively deceptive. Temperatures do not cause burning. Heat transfer causes burning, and that depends on a lot more than just the temperature of a

She asked for the bowl hot. He warned her “this is hot.” At that point, what happens is her own damn fault. No sympathy whatsoever.

I would do anything for meatloaf, but I won’t do that.

You’re comparing a foreign army attacking a foreign homeland on foreign soil. Apples and oranges. That’s not even apples and oranges. That’s apples and Toyotas.

This has got to just be A-level trolling, I don’t want to believe those are actual opinions a sentient person can have.

The concept of a militia being our front line in the military died in 1860. It’s simply not relevent today, when we spend more money than all the other nations on earth, combined, in military spending.

“Caused difficulties” is not the same as “defeated”

But people who want to kill but don’t have a gun are not going to be very good at it. And how exactly did the lawyers mess up this one? What evidence should the police have used to arrest this guy prior to this shooting? Because he was a jerk who got fired? We should lock up every jerk who gets fired “just in case”?

This. It is always amazing to me in these mass shootings the contrast between the lives of the victims and the shooters. The victims always have bright futures, people who love them, hobbies, interests, talents, etc. The shooters are always lonely, angry, small-minded, frustrated people.

Yeah, and that made sense in 1789, when the strongest a military could be is an army of a few thousand men, unarmored, firing slow-loading muskets that had terrible aim. There were no automatic weapons, or planes, or bombs, or rockets, or grenades, or tanks, or night-vision goggles, or nuclear weapons. It also made

That’s a dumb argument now-a-days. When the Bill of Rights was written, it was possible for a populace to fight back against the government when the government only had muskets and cannons.

It depends on what you mean by “smart”. They were certainly gifted thinkers but they were also unmistakably men of their time. Just about any modern Med school student probably knows more than the smartest Doctor of the 18th century about curing disease. Likewise, we know a ton of shit about governing that they

Try armed rebellion in 2015 and see how long that shit lasts. The U.S. government would turn even a well-armed militia into Swiss cheese before Joe Blow’s first shell casing hit the ground. This argument is pathetically weak.

I honestly feel sorry for the people that are so paranoid, terrified, and have so little self confidence that they must ABSOLUTELY carry a weapon.

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

You know what the worst of this is? The fact that it’ll happen again. And again. And again. As night follows day, it’ll happen again. There are people walking around today who, in a day or a week or a year or two years who will be shot dead by some dude with a gun and nothing holding him back. It could be you, reading

I don’t want to live in a world where people think that NEWS REPORTERS should be armed.

Just saw this pop up on my iPhone. It’s terrifying and horrific and tragic. The Facebook posting of the video already has many comments along the lines of “Well, if they had been armed they could’ve fired back and shot the asshole.” I’m so sick of these shootings happening day in and day out and all we can do is