
Do you really want president pence? I think it’s better to have an imbecile who’s too stupid to do too much damage than a guy who honestly believes that the earth is 6000 years old and is willing to actually work to get his agenda passed.

haha. look at how much fun doing your w4 will soon be:

1. There’s no first amendment protection from a private business.

Fun fact: wax worms will eat and decompose plastic bags.

It would be better to not throw anything away. Most things can either be composted or recycled. There is very little actual garbage, other than single-use items that are designed to be thrown away. But not all cities have composting facilities, and most people can’t be bothered to take the time to separate their

You obviously have a learning disability, so i’m not going to try and continue educating you on how bird migration works.

I read your comment, but you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.

Those grocery stores near you are missing out, companies like trex will pay them for the plastic bags collected. (and any other plastic film the grocery store generates) So, not only does the store not have to pay to have so much trash hauled away, they actually get paid for it, and they get the community goodwill / pr

They recycle these bags into composite lumber by shredding them, melting them, mixing them with wood chips, and extruding them.

Compostable bags don’t really help, if they’re going to a landfill. There’s no oxygen in a landfill, which the microbes that feed on your bag need to multiply. at best, your bag will not break down at all, and at worst, it will break down into methane.

There’s actually an increase in plastic bags sold when plastic bag bans go into effect:

Yep, you’re an asshole. nice meeting you.

Lots of people. Life is painful. Get used to it, and grow a thicker skin. Although I’m not sure what hunting has to do with people being assholes.

Apparently you’ve never heard of hunting. Yes, you can eat wild birds without getting parasites. It’s called “cooking” perhaps you’ve heard of it.

Simply set up geese traps and eat the geese. problem solved. (not sure this is legal, but it happens a fair bit around here) geese are tasty.

Wait until you visit a city with a tax rate over 10%...

google “lacto-fermented hot sauce”.

franks is the worst garbage ever. tastes like vinegar and isn’t even spicy.

look up at all those other pictures that fritzo posted. how many of those times do you think he got a whiff their hair?