Did you read that Stephanie Carter’s statement about what was happening in the header picture?
Did you read that Stephanie Carter’s statement about what was happening in the header picture?
“his behavior shows a problem with the way men perceive women”
Except that even in states with a reasonable wage for tipped employeees, they still expect you to tip 20% which is kind of a crapshot. The waitstaff are getting between $10-12 an hour + tips, so they’re generally getting paid better than the actual cooks that made your food.
I wonder if the obscenely named networks violate some sort of anti-obscenity FCC rule.
This is why you just set up a system with 3 APs all using the same ssid, one on channel 1, one on channel 6, and one on channel 11, and spread them across your house so they don’t interfere with each other. Set their tx power to low if they are nearish each other, or medium if they are farther apart.
ASMR is semi-sexual, even if the people performing it don’t think it is, the reason people listen to the “verbal” asmr is because they get off from it.
why the fuck would anyone “give up coffee”?
If you’re going to be the taker in this instance, bring a blacklight.
You can hack human drivers too, simply repaint the speed limit signs. Or if you want to really own a human driver, a simple modification of removing stop signs and putting them in other places will cause massive chaos.
Square charges 2.5-3.5% +15¢ per transaction depending on how the card is entered. It never charges 2.35%, so if you got that simple fact wrong, I have to assume you have no idea what you’re talking about and have no first party experience with the matter.
You keep doing your thing and I’ll keep doing mine. Just don’t complain when your touch bar display dies and you can no longer use your computer because you don’t have a working power button. Or you get a crumb or speck of dust in your keyboard and your keys stop working. or when you accidentally spill a tiny amount…
new ways for the bots to spam and phish you... great...
The dock zooms in under the mouse, there’s no squinting required, but by this point, I don’t really change much in my dock, so launching an app is 99% muscle memory by now.
How is it not efficient? In any app, I can launch one of my other commonly used apps without needing to enter any key commands or switching to the finder or using the horrid mess that is launchpad (really try using launchpad when you have over 300 apps, it’s slow as hell, and unless you want to search for the name of…
The irony of this post is that lifehacker is only available in eye-searing white without a browser plugin.
Black has more beef stock in it , so it’s more umami than the spicy variant, and it’s also slightly milder, as far as the heat goes.
Add dried pepper (crushed or pods) to any of these to make them spicier. Reaper(1.5 million scoville) is good if you just want heat, otherwise Scorpions (1.2 million scoville) are good, with a nice fruity/citrus flavor. Ghost (1 million scoville) has a slightly milder burn than reaper or scorpion, but it lingers.…
Take Shin Ramyun spicy and add 3 dried reaper pods. if that’s not spicy enough for you, then you probably had the same flu I had last week... Couldn’t taste the heat at all, but at least it cleared my sinuses out....
try fitting all this on your touchbar and get back to me...
any macbook with a touchbar is dongle hell garbage, and my dock wouldn’t fit on a touchbar anyway.