Space moth, see…
Space moth, see…
um. that’s 1500VA, not 1500-volt
um. that’s 1500VA, not 1500-volt
hell, copyright even applies to the posts you make on here. If I were to quote your post, I would “technically” be violating your copyright. You have to realize the copyright system is broken when you consider that everyone who uses the internet is violating someone else’s copyright every time they copy and paste.
And somehow, 16 years after it came out... there are still a few active multiplayer servers.
file cabinets are so much better than those horrible things. the desktop paper organizer is where important files go to die.
There’s a word for people who are adept at this:
remember the first itunes compatible music capable phone? it was terribad.
better yet, keep your skewers in a bottle of pepper vodka.
by “publishing” it on this web page, it is now under the protection of us copyright. you don’t need to do anything... which is why everyone* who copies and pastes on the internet is guilty of copyright infringement.
android phone + wifi + google voice= free texting and voice on wifi. use the flip phone only when you don’t have access to wifi (google voice forwarding to flip phone when no wifi around). If you live in a city, there’s lots of free wifi access points all over the place, you just need to know where to look. Most…
you don’t NEED an internet capable phone, and a prepaid flip phone will cost you less than $10 a month, so your argument is invalid.
IF $Vacation = False
naw, don’t stop at the ghost pepper, go with the carolina reaper. (up to 2x as hot)
Watch out, sometimes the clearance from the traces to the screw hole is too small, and you can short something out. It’s better to use nylon screws and standoffs.
chihuahua cheese. known in the trade as “dog cheese”
just piss everyone off and call it “soda pop”
Isn’t this the whole reason people watch nascar? To watch people crash and possibly die?
I don’t think that word means what you think it does.
here is the case:
I really hate the term “HDTV antenna”
I really hate the term “HDTV antenna”