
I hate to be "that guy", but Green Lantern and Atom are DC, not Marvel.

Could be Pym's first wife, Maria Trovaya.

Is this like that episode of Medium where Allison sees the numbers over people and if there is a zero they're going to die?

Not sure about iOS 7 or 8, but in 6 you can remove the Podcast app and all of your podcasts go back into the Music app.

You can thank Mel Gibson for the Robert Downey Jr we have now.

Winter Solider & Sam Wilson - Bucky has been Cap, is there to "help" Sam Wilson fit into the role

new Thor is either Kelda or Valkyrie.


It was good but not one that I bought. I still pop in AA and AC, but I went through this one, did some missions to fill out the 100%, and just stopped. A lot of glitches on the PS3 version made it onerous to get through.

Do they do custom stamps?

Marcus theater here in the Twin Cities did this and man, is it nice. SOOOOO much better. You don't feel like you're watching a movie in a really big plane.

"Xbox users supported Bungie from the beginning!"

at least you admit you're a baking snob. ;)

I already replaced the ignition in my 2000 Chevy Malibu.

Because some of us can't have alcohol in the house due to others in the house having issues with it.

Never had a complaint about anything I've made using raw sugar. Everything has been "OMG this tastes better than mine!"

I always replace white sugar with raw sugar. Makes everything taste better.