
Wells becomes Zoom.

Wasn't comparing and contrasting, just a (too) quick link to another story with the same idea: don't apologize if you have nothing to apologize for.

This sounds familiar....

I held a meeting of the unit I manage earlier this year to talk about this exact thing (in a different context). I made an ass out of myself on purpose to make a point and it worked. For the most part.

I liked Bucky Cap.

Now we just need three topless women so we can set it up as a Greek orgy.

"Remember: This day is about you, too, Single Moms!" - Every Father's Day

Then Al Pacino showed up and shit got really evil.

I'm just naturally talented at it.


Capcom announces Onimusha HD Collection and a new Onimusha game for PS4/Xbone systems.


Remember, the ORIGINAL New52 outfit had pants.

Alternate timelines.

This directly effects me. After breaking my back and neck (neck is still broken) and everything that came from it I'm in constant pain for the rest of my life. Not just an annoying pain but severe pain 24/7 throughout my entire body.

This game really is dying for a PSN/Live release.

pretty much that

I used a 250GB HDD as an example, not science.

Like I stated: this was from an article/investigation from a local Twin Cities newspaper (now behind paywall) and the information they gave was muddled at best, but that is how they described the whole thing.