
The Twin Cities are a test area for Comcast's new X1 stuff.

Not one single fuck was given.

Donkey Kong Holds The Snow Globe of Nintendo's World

I do the "pause before you speak" method. It gives time to collect thoughts, form sentences more proper than a quick retort, and in general makes you a better speaker not just for the ums and uhs, but because what's coming out of your mouth is far better formed.

Once a year I pull this game out and play it, nonexistent Trophies be damned.

Falcon: "You done pissin' yet, man?"

The Silver Lining Takeaway from this rubbish:

I learned from ST:TNG to give a show a few seasons unless it's truly awful.

I agree that I could have used a better word than "valid" in the first sentence.

I have a valid reason for owning a Fleshlight:

Parker also took those photos and published "WEBS", a bestselling book of his photos and "relationship" with Spider-Man.

to prepare to play TLOU:

I should have about twelve extensions in the past month.

thought the same exact thing.

I view this season like I view the third Resident Evil movie:

I enjoyed how Geoff Johns mixed the original Flash origin with the Speed Force to give us the ultimate Barry Allen.

Not the same but in a similar fashion...

NaughtyDog is in on the "hey, having problems? Get in touch with us!" train:

Found Gawker for one email address.

Palin also said, when she was in CA a few years ago, "So great to be in a state that puts a mama grizzly on their flag." (paraphrasing)