
I try not to disturb nature or unbalance an ecosystem. Unless it was something I knew wasn’t supposed to be there I wasn’t going to disturb it.

I found these in the slough at my local park/wildlife preserve.

This is what I’ve done and it works for me: find a few people in the audience who are engaged in what you’re speaking on and talk to them. Make sure you spread them out in sides (left, center, right) and distance (fore and back) so that while you’re focused on them you’re still speaking to the audience.

Whether speaking or podcasting: listen to yourself.

I’ve had more of these drives just up and die on me that I’ll never buy another Seagate.

I’ve had more of these drives just up and die on me that I’ll never buy another Seagate.

This is a digital rental platform for games, nothing more.

His agents/reps could be lying to him by saying, “oh, yes, they’re really happy! Keep going, everyone is onboard!”

Ego, in the comics, could sprout off humanoid versions of itself. One even went rogue once.

Give me a Chrono Trigger sequel or give me death.

Replaced a broken down one with this exact model in the condo I used to live in. The thing is awesome! Quiet, powerful, and never once did it not take care of what was put down the sink*.

Replaced a broken down one with this exact model in the condo I used to live in. The thing is awesome! Quiet,

To settle a somewhat debate with my girlfriend:

One of the reasons I moved back: I fell in love with the state when I lived here a decade ago and HAD to move back. Such a beautiful place.

Seems my edit didn’t make it in. :|

I sold my copy of Rule of Rose (near pristine for having been opened and played) for close to $300 on Amazon this year, so $400 isn’t too far out of the price range for it on eBay.

As long as Baby Jenks is included, I’ll tune in.

For almost a year, around 2014, my (now former) father-in-law would buy his Diet Coke in those fridge packs and a Chick Tract would be in the package, every single time.

I wrote a short story about this exact concept a few years ago. Was well received.

His Ghostbusters theme is awesome.

I just sold my copy a month or so ago for $225.