
whoever keeps letting Ron Howard make movies should be shot. Seriously though, for the price of this movie, they could have given 10 woman and minorities $10 million each to make a movie that someone more people would have wanted to see.

well that would be a lot better marketing. They should have advertised it as a ship wreck movie, instead of a movie based on a book no one under 35 had read

can you imagine the shit show if someone threw their shoe at Obama, there would be a fucking war.

Yeah your guns will do well against a Reaper drone

didn’t Streep lead the charge against increasing wages for SAG last year? like for someone who seems so for wage equality, she sure doesn’t like raising fees or wages.

Who is actually calling her out for this?

Don’t worry, i will, Unlike The Noble Renard and Notorious Gigi i know my place

That said, using kike in a joke for sarcastic purposes is no more okay than using the n word would be in a similar situation.

The first link is sarcastic because it was a person saying all religious people should be forced to leave the country.

what is it with these angry men of color, when will Men of Color stop raging?

ok, but going back to my example, you are also basically saying Hilary Clinton is responsible for how fucked up wal-mart is because she was a chairwomen during their growth period. Instead of those evil Waltons. Also, when was the last time a chairperson made a decision for the corporation without it being first heard

Ron Meyer is studio head of Universial, he has more say in the decisions than the chair does, that’s the same with every company. I mean according to you Hilary Clinton is responsible for how fucked up wal-mart is because she was a chairwomen during their growth period

Margaret Atwood is overrated, i know everyone on Jezebel disagrees, but that’s because you are all a bunch of annoying white feminists. Intersectionality forever!

I miss that tumblr

you probably plan on voting for Trump because it would be funny too. right?

wow, do you really have that small of a penis that you would root for the Cowboys?

Muslims are going to be pissed about this,

So everyone said horrible things about Bush, and no one gave a shit, doesn’t this seem a bit unfair