Terror and Love

Concerning the question of whether reviews should discuss the working conditions of people making the game:


It’s a really good argument for having more small neighborhood stores rather than megastores we have to drive to. I’d much rather walk a few blocks every other day to get fresh stuff than have to drive once a week and end up later tossing out the 1/3 of my produce that I couldn’t eat fast enough.

Any chance this Jason / Tim all-star partnership will result in an article about the best classic JRPGs to play instead of this game? (outside of the easy answers, like FFVI, which is always the right answer)

I see that you 3 have excluded Jason Schreier from the conversation so allow me to fill in for him. Suikoden.

I keep getting surprised by each new warframe I unlock being substantially different from the others. I keep expecting a reused effect in some way “It’s like ember, but toxic damage!” or whatever, but there is not anything that feels like that.

You state that TLJ tears down TFA as fact. It is not. I think TLJ enhances and builds on TFA wonderfully. You’re welcome to your opinion but you can’t just state something so obtuse as a fact and act like it makes your point.

If you want an anime based closely on Alien, take a gander at Lily C.A.T. as the whole movie is based far too heavily on Alien’s general plot (something causes the station/ship to take a detour, an android goes rogue, everyone is almost killed by alien organism, etc, etc) while also throwing in The Thing for good

I have JJBA to thank for two of my best friendships - one probably the best of my life, which is pretty jojo.

There’s not really a point to skipping them. There’s no need to ‘catch up’, and every series has its own style and merits.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is an anime/manga made by a guy who clearly just loves anime so goddamned much. When you try to describe it words like ‘parody’ or ‘satire’ come to mind, but that’s not it. It’s just the most anime. Part of that is because it spawned a ton of anime/manga on its own and part of it is because

I’m an Easy Difficulty person (cis hetero white male). While I care deeply about people from marginalized classes, I often have trouble digesting the descriptions of their struggles, and find myself thinking “aren’t you being a little too sensitive?” for a while before I eventually get it.

Everyone commenting here should see the film The Celluloid Closet, which does a fantastic job of presenting the various tropes gay characters were literally enforced by the studios to adhere to.

There are tons of good dramas that give some happy endings to their characters. For every classic film, play, or book you can come up with that requires the death of a romantic partner, I can come up with one that allows a character and their partner a greater amount of happiness.

So many people say “Oh, but this is <Insert Game/Movie/TV Show here>, people die all the time!”
What they don’t realize is how frequently those characters are the lone LGBTQ people in the show. They don’t realize that the survival rate or at least happy ending rate for media’s gay characters is nearly 0.

“Without conflict” and “Without unecessary grimdark darkness” are two different things, my man.

There was a post back when there were rumors of botw link being female was a thing, joking that link would be queer and Pakistani as if it was so impossible for someone like that to exist. As someone who fits that description I will take there being a corpse for me over not existing.

I’ve been really worried since the TLOU2 trailer about the bury your gays trope. It’s prevented me from really getting fully excited about it, even though I trust ND’s writing, my mind still goes to the baggage of most other media with LGBT characters.

I get so tired of comments of people trying to justify this shit.

Ah, it increased my excitment by 75%.