Terror and Love
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Sorry but this list is incomplete without Jonathan Frakes as David Xanatos:

Missed a big one...

Mako was great at everything but I really like him as Aku.

Courts look at the extent to which you're benefiting from elements that originated in the copyrighted source material. The basic idea of a spy story with the expensive clothes/fast cars/beautiful women lifestyle can't be found in any specific person's work.

You do have to wonder... what happened when the Klingons ran across the random super entities, minor gods, and historical recreations of there home world? There must have been a high fleet attrition rate for all the ships killed by god like beings that they fired torpedoes at.

Yay for obscure references in obscure works by obscure authors :)

Stop this. Stop it right now.

* White God (March 27)

That's always my favorite. "I am arguing pure logic and you're just coming from a place of emotion." Like having emotions is wrong and the logic of your position isn't suspect when your position benefits you and those like you and screws everyone else. It's lazy. If you had a point, you'd make one.

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I vaguely remember being truly scared by the beginning of this segment in Max Payne 2. Took me multiple tries to figure out how to escape. Love that game.

While I understand your initial reaction, this is one of those things that comes from engaging in these kinds of discussions a lot only to realize that far more often than not, the person doing the "polite" questioning has absolutely no interest in your answers, they're just wearing you down. It's arguing in bad

Maybe it takes place in the Fringe alternate reality where Hell's Kitchen is still un-gentrified.

If I'm not digging a show, I quit in stages: probation, recap-only, season-stream standby and then the full quit.

I calculate where one-eighth of the book is and give it until then. I have a friend who before buying a book will read page 192 and decide from that.

The Summers' family is mostly made up of time travelers, clones, and people from alternate universes.