Terror and Love

Because apparently people think that there's something noble about spending time with family, even if it's family they hate. That's my partner's rationale for continuing to interact with people who deeply hurt them anyway...that "something would be lost" if they went no-contact.

I think that you underestimate the number of people who are not like you.

Mmmhmmmm. I'll be in my bunk.

Yesterday I saw The Marvellous Miss Take in the Steam Sale at 50%, so I took a punt on it. I've only played it for 45 minutes, so I can't give a proper opinion on it, but right now I'm enjoying it a lot.

Fun-fact: Kojima said they had to dumb down the graphics so that people wouldn't know it's fox engine.


Uh, I hate (love?) to break it to you, but Kotaku is pretty firmly against GG. There's a reason why the largest GG support site is /r/kotakuinaction. They despise Kotaku, and similar blogs, that support women and minorities being treated better in games.

YA Dystopian:

Always find that funny "there are bad people on BOTH sides"

Well shit,...looks like I am watching it then....

So basically you hate anime styled art and hate cartoons art style as well... and think everything is shitty.. *claps hands* great... now what!? Some mysterious voice in your head told you to go pathetically troll fans of the show and share you toxic noxious feelings of hatred with everyone... Not really a good

When I was a kid, my mom decided we should get a pet pig. We lived on an acreage so that wasn't a problem. We had chickens already. So we found a farmer who was selling young pigs and went to go get one. He said they were pure bred vietnamese pot belly pigs. They were not pure bred vietnamese pot belly pigs. When

I love bison, but it is very unforgiving due to being extremely lean. Not much fat to keep the meat moist/tender.

One of my mom's friends (she's actually in a bluegrass band with him, lol) keeps a herd of bison. She gets meat from him sometimes, when he has one slaughtered on occasion, and she usually shares with me when I visit. I have a small bison ribeye and a couple of pounds of ground bison beef in my freezer right now. It's

Jesper Christensen is returning as Mr White. Does that answer your question?

Personally I feel that they a trans-gender character with powers.

Lucas has never made a secret of how "Star Wars' was influenced by "Hidden Fortress" and other Kurosawa movies (hell, he wanted Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan) yet it still worked wonderfully on its own.

Well... did you read what I said: you diminish the meaning of a set by isolating its components. Alive implies "not dead". Just as dead implies "Not Alive" You can't include Dead in the set Alive. But its easy to categorize "Alive". Is a machine "Alive", is a machine "Dead"? Right now, we don't have a legal

You do not diminish a set by increasing its scope. You diminish a set by isolating its elements and rendering them incapable of functioning in the context of the scope. In other words, its impossible to diminish what it means to be human by increasing the scope of what is considered "human". However, it is very easy