Terror and Love

It might still be in the show, but if its not I'm really going to miss the Greyjoy subplot in the SoIF books. I know that's a lot of peoples least favorite part of the books, but I found them really interesting.

Can I just throw out my idea for a DC movie? Just- just hear me out. You know how Hollywood loves to do origin stories, sometimes more than once for the same hero within the span of about a decade?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for including Princess Mononoke on this list.

I actually did this with with Metro: Last Light and Remember Me (switching to Russian and French, respectively). It was interesting, but I probably missed a lot of stuff, as ambient conversations weren't subtitled. I'd actually recommend doing it though, if not for the whole game, then just for while to try it out.

Beef burgers, maybe, but I think the burger format will be around. It might be soy, turkey, veggie, tofu, or whatever, but the "sandwich on steroids" will adapt.

You need colourful step-characters, if Cinderella herself is the usual bore.

The lack of Suikoden here is appaling.

Actually I am more surprised in how boring this list is. Outside the named oddballs, it's basically the same crap everyone wishes to be remade

Good point, but I think Marvel has proven that fan familiarity with the characters doesn't really have much impact on the success of the movie.

Radaa in his Ecrevisse (in the VOTOMS OAV "Big Battle") was totally batshit insane. Granted, he was the Balarant attempt to develop a Perfect Soldier (like the Gilgamesh Fyana and, of course, Chirico) but he REALLY went postal in the worst possible way.

Excellen Browning, Super Robot Wars

Thanks for sharing this. I left my husband at 24 and it was the best and hardest decision I ever made. From the outside, it seemed as if I was wholly to blame for the breakdown and as such I lost a lot of friends over it. I spent years believing that I was no good at relationships and that it was all my fault.

Neal Stephenson's "REAMDE" has a great take on the fake apostrophe trope. Part of the plot centers on a World-of-Warcraft-like MMORPG for which the developer has created an elaborate cultural backstory cobbled up by a fantasy writer who inserts random apostrophes for exotic effect. The game community suffers a rift

My major problem with using Medieval Europe is that just recycles the same setting used a thousand times before—a simplified, romanticized version of the past. Where are the fantasy books that have Moorish people in Spain? The Ottoman Empire and the Orthodox church are just there to the east—where the hell are they?

I've been complaining about #6 for a while. What's even more frustrating is they don't seem to have this problem in Japan. There's tons of fantastical anime and games that take place in settings that have everything from enlightenment era technology all the way through modern day. Full Metal Alchemist, The Final