Terror and Love

Agreed. We all talk about how DCU sucks, but in one aspect they are kicking MCUs ass diversity

>>>This is, obviously, awesome.<<<

That's a highly subjective statement.

I remember initial reactions to the possibility of Cumberbatch playing Strange being quite negative, mine included.

I do like Cumberbatch, for the most part, but beyond not really thinking the role is right for him...I'm just thoroughly bored of the

To me, all Presidential approval ratings show is how poorly the American people understand exactly what the President can control and what they can't.

I'd like to see the study comparing support for Obama with understanding of how the federal government functions (allegedly). Seems like the people who think Obama has let them down are the same people who didn't get off their asses and vote in 2010, which allowed Republicans to take control of Congress in a census

IMO, what's really going on:

It's a movie where the individual parts are good, but the sum is not.

you are walking a a very fine line with humor like this. sometimes it works sometimes it does not.

* Sees "Sunset Overdrive"

It's kind of a shame, if this game had come out in 2000, it's edginess and irony would be a welcomed breath of fresh air, and a lot of this would have seemed fresh. Now, it's well-tread ground that's been co-opted so many times by the big corporations they try to take the piss out of (including themselves), it feels

Remember when black people were like, "we don't snitch, we don't talk to or trust cops," and white people were all, "what's wrong with you, cops are our friends, they're nice unless you're doing something illegal, clearly you're doing something wrong and need to be managed, have some respect, because all cops are

Re-tell this story by replacing yourselves as the dogs—and now, welcome to the club! Now you have a pretty good idea what it's like to be a minority in the good ol' USA!

I have a debilitating fear of radishes. Which is weird, because I'm one quarter Fraggle on my mother's side.

Now playing

My one BIG complaint - why does he need a mouth with moving parts? So dumb. V for Vendetta showed us that you can have a compelling character without a moving face.

Hopefully both of them pull it off. Wanda and Pietro are two of my all-time favorite Avengers, I want them to be part of every roster. She is just the best and has been since the Kooky Quartet. Hated what they did to her with House of M, glad they are rehabbing her character.

And I'm shipping them so hard.

I'm on the fence as well, still thinking James Earl Jones would have been more menacing... but we'll see.

This HAS to be part of some sort of larger performance art piece. I refuse to believe that women are actually saying these things out loud about other women. It defies everything I know about, well... everything.

Looks like most adapted movies.

That quote makes Daredevil sound sort of like Burn Notice. I dig it.