Terror and Love

How about that time ("Primordial Plot") COBRA cloned dinosaurs 5 years before Jurassic Park was published?

Are they really natural disasters if they're caused by a supervillain?

Well, plant matter is more energy-efficient than meat for the most part, making it cheaper and more plentiful to grow. That being said, there are regions more suited for raising food animals, since they can't support plants suited for human consumption, but will provide enough fodder for cattle. The fact is, in any

I don't care if I'm the copy or the original. The question completely sidesteps the much more important issue of 'what *are* you?' in the first place. You answer that one, and the whole identity of identical copies thing will fall out in the wash. My suspicion is that continuity of consciousness is just a very


First, on behalf of Florida to all who see the humor in this, you're welcome! We try to please. And, as the Dumbest State, we have to work at it.

Side Note: I would gleefully watch a much harder version of Eureka. One where the trials and tribulations of developing Sci-Fi level technology is turned into a dark thriller/drama with a leaning towards hard science. Matter transmission would be one of the the key technologies. It's capability as the ultimate

Oh you just know, "certain otherwise reasonable Jezebel commenters" are about to light up the comments section with "How can white privelage exist if i don't get everything I want 100 percent of the time."

Here's the problem with that: yes, things would adapt. That means, something would adapt and move into the "exploiting mammalian blood and causing itchy bites" niche. If we were "lucky", that thing would also manage to quickly replace the enormous biomass represented by the missing mosquitoes, and thus would still

You didn't even read any of those articles did you? They were talking about people who consider themselves "real gamers" or "traditional gamers" in the face of an expanding number of people who are just "gamers".

Wait... how's this a list of brain monstrosities without the largest brain of them all, The Metamorphosis from the movie "Gandahar" (1988):

For sure ... I need to start recording my sorties so they can see what can be done with something like an F4 Phantom (not the best plane I know which why I chose it).

I'll admit I don't read these sites that often, but when did they paint every single gamer as vile psychos? Is there a specific article that does it? Not trying to sound like a smartass, I'm genuinely asking because I haven't seen one.

#StopGamerGate is less about stopping use of the hashtag (which is pretty pointless, as you say) and more about stopping the mentality behind it. The one that hates women and uses 'ethics' as a shield (based on lies to start with anyway).

You GamerGaters want game journalism to look like you want it to? Do what you people always say whenever inclusion is brought up in gaming and make your own gaming website. It can't be that hard right?!

I'd offer one mild correction. It's true that this is probably the most vitriolic case of unexamined privilege we've seen in a long while, but the double-bind is that even though these are straight white males, they're the straight white males who are at the bottom of the totem pole. They're nurds. This is why

Just to preempt an annoying line of thought before it takes root down here, #NotYourShield, or anyone objecting to the broader forces at work here using for an argument, "But I'm black," or, "I'm a woman," is not a good argument. It doesn't even hold up to its own internal logic. Minority vioces matter, and should be

"I have yet to see an anime I like" is fair enough, but I'm with Balmut — it just seems weird to make such a blanket statement as "not a fan of anime at all." It's like saying you don't like British TV or Italian cinema. It's a pretty broad subject to be lumping it all together and dismissing it.