Terror and Love

One of the scariest episodes of The Outer Limits was "It Crawled out of the Woodwork" where an unsuspecting maid vacuumed up a ball of dust and it became a moaning, shrieking electric monster! Very impressive scares and f/x for a 60's tv show!

Yay for those old enough to remember the few-but-effective shocks to the system from the 50's and 60's! Especially since a lot of what they possibly could do with practical effects were restricted by movie censorship rules in the US (before the MPAA rating system came out), there were a few pretty good scares in

Neverending Story also wins saddest scene with Artax. AAAAAAAAAARRRRRTAAAAAAXXX!!! :(

Dear god. The memories...the horror.

Was there anything in The Dark Crystal that wasn't terrifying except maybe the two Gelflings going off together?

I felt so emotionally drained after seeing Gravity in the theatre. I thought it was an incredible movie but haven't watched it since then because it was so exhausting.

I'm the same! I'd have physical reactions to it. The same for any type of cave diving movie. There was one awhile back that showed a guy trying to suck the last bit of air out of a tiny bubble while trapped in a cave. I broke into a cold sweat watching it.

The OUTER LIMITS you're thinking of is "The Zanti Misfits." And, yeah, that was a scary show!

Gravity is now my go to movie to anyone who says "Sound needs to be in space scenes or it's emotionally dead." Gravity basically takes that conceit and kills it completely stone dead.

Holy Cow! Are you my clone? (...am I your clone...)

Yeah. I think it was the fact that it could get ANYWHERE. I remember being horrified by the original as a kid in the 70s. And that equally creepy theme song.

I guess Gravity was always meant to be scary, but it really was good at tapping into my fear of being helpless. The real scary part is when Stone and Kowalski return to what's left of the shuttle and discover what happened to the rest of the crew...

Almost every part in the Thing, but any scene with the head in it freaked me out. Also didn't help that I was 12 when I saw it.

As a child, G'Mork from Neverending Story!

Probably not so much for adults, but my younger self was quite terrified by the Red Bull from the Last Unicorn.

I think the only thing I ever saw him in was that one episode of Community, but that was enough to get a taste. He reminded me of Phil Morris, in a good way.

Alexander Siddig just needs to be in more everything. I don't know why that guy isn't used more.

It would also be good to see a little diversity for a change. Marvel's roster is choc full of nothing white dudes at the moment. the most diverse memebers are a tree and raccoon right now lol.

Honestly, plot seems to make more sense than 90% of games these days.

If a megacity is going to be formed, it doesn't need more garbage trucks. It needs to adopt the waste policies of Germany, which is literally running out of garbage because it's so efficient with waste. We have the methods and technology, we just don't care in the US.