Terror and Love

Picard Love Episodes Ranked

I had a professor in my master's program in Public Policy who used this episode in one of his classes as a demonstration of the difficulty in communication between seemingly disparate cultures and societies. It took some of the non-Trek folks a bit to get over the sci-fi setting and actually hear what the episode was

Picard and Ian at the pub.

Enterprise's season long "Year of Hell" beats Voyager's, and it doesn't all get magically fixed at the end.

Aww, they are cute.

Personally I found Pa Kent's pragmatic utilitarianism a breath of fresh air. I'm incredibly sick of Hollywood protagonists preaching that there's always a third option that allows you to have your cake and eat it and inevitably always being proven right. Reality is as cold and pragmatic as Pa Kent was teaching Kal-el

Magic doesn't require any more suspension of disbelief than any other pseudo-scientific aspect of any film with fantastical elements like superpowers or hyperdrive.

I'm working on my blood pressure after making the mistake of correcting a 'commenter' on a Gizmodo climate change article.

RNA sequencing jobs unrelated to my thesis. One of the joys of grad school is being voluntold for your boss's pet projects...

25,000 words into writing my third book!

My super hero heist novel and doing a first edit pass on an old school space opera style graphic novel I have been conceptualizing for two weeks.

cyberpunk inspired music video, coming along very well i might add :) hopefully finishing up the bulk of it and moving on to fine details tonite

I'm writing a comic book called Oblivion Suite with artist Catalina Rufin, who is exceptional and rocks nonstop. It's about a fictional prog rock band from the '70s who go on a surreal journey through their own musical worlds for the chance to save their former lead singer whose lost his mind. It plays with some of

After a three month break while I finished my MA, I'm back working on my webcomic Bright Goose and I absolutely couldn't be happier. Absolutely love writing and drawing it and can't wait to finish the first arc of the story, even if only I will ever read it. Having to relearn a lot of the techniques I forgot in that

I keep playing BF4 intermittently and I always have a pretty good time so I'm not always sure what all the fuss is about. I always keep hearing that BF4 needs to be saved, but I never really understood from what. I guess I need to read the patch notes, but if there are any improvements being made I'm all for it either

I loved Shenmue and Rez

Hah - I'm childfree and have dated a couple of divorced dads, and they basically seemed to be looking for someone to bone who was not going to nag them to get married anytime soon. Which was exactly what I was looking for at the time so it worked out great! (At least for a few months anyway.)

1. Bad tipper/rude to wait staff.

New York is not theee melting pot of melting pots it's Toronto. But your point still stands

You ever notice that they also tend to have interracial relationships where the fact that it is an interracial relationship never comes up?