Terror and Love

This comment hit my right in the feels. I loved that game for just that reason.

So...Star Wars Galaxies 2?

I wish they had done something like that, I miss the game back before the CU (and yes I know there is a pre-CU emulator). The fact that there were both combative and non-combative jobs made a wide appeal to various sets of gamers.

I'm getting a distinct Fire Emblem vibe not only from the drawing but from the plot as well.

No one can escape societal programming. Gamers are no different than any other subgroup that takes 'perceived' and real crap all their lives, then oddly, ironically, just JUMP at the chance to tear down someone else with the same comments. Haters gonna hate. And Gamers got some HATE stored up for sure. It's sad. Not

As a British-Chinese writer trying to break into YA fiction, I was told, variously, that on one hand my work "was too Chinese" and on another "not Chinese enough," by different publishers and agents. How can I respond to these criticisms? In British publishing, the lack of British East Asian writers is glaring; I was

I agree to an extent. But I think it assumes a buying power that often marginalized groups simply don't have by way of institutional and historical barriers. Plus, there are limitations to individual spending power and people have to find other ways to promote the things they're passionate about when their money

Sherlock Holmes, like any iconic character, is a perfect character to play with in this way. There's a reason so much of jazz uses old songs — standards — as a template for creativity. The familiar is often a perfect platform for innovation. See also: the dozens and dozens of stories based on myths, Shakespeare, etc.

Hahahaha are you referring to that Black History comment he made??? Sweet Jesus. You also didn't "repeat" anything. What you did say is that Morgan Freeman, paragon of Black Humanity and ambassador of Black America, would look up on diverse work and roll his eyes. Which is cool, because Morgan Freeman is the absolute

To be able to read and see books and comics that reflect myself and others is a wonderful feeling.

Sleepy Hollow is like True Blood with brakes. It's ridiculous but knows to stop before it runs you over and everyone stops having fun.

And speaking of cool TV, this day marks a fantastic anniversary: It was September 22nd, 2004 that both "Lost" and "Veronica Mars" premiered.

Wow, I eat first breakfast AND second breakfast, almost always at home. I get up at 4:45 to get to the gym at 5:45, and usually scarf a yogurt and coffee before workout, then come home, have an egg/bacon tomato and toast before work, with more coffee. If I don't I will eat my own arm by 10am or so.

My husband made fun of me when we were dating because I routinely ate cereal for dinner. Now, I have more money, so I eat takeout when I don't want to cook. I should go back to cereal. It'd be better for my wallet and my waistline.

so I guess I'm in the minority of cereal lovers?

Girl, I'm 40+ and I buy myself Lucky Charms because what's the point of being an adult if you can't give yourself some of the things you didn't get as a kid?

Breakfast for dinner is the best meal ever.

I have a lot of friends who live in Pinehills to because it is close the the radio station and rent is dirt cheap. Just love the place! People are nice and friendly and it really gets a bad wrap.

It did not die. It reassembled into a better phone, Android.

It looks like FF13... how?

Why are you so negative, its a new game, if you don't like it, then don't play it.