Terror and Love

top notch

Such as the guy a couple weeks ago who walked up to me and asked me why I was wearing heels since I was already 'too tall.'

'Destiny's waypoint-checking system is a bit annoying, since you have to take out your Ghost to get the markers to appear on the screen...'

I absolutely prefer this to having a constant white dot just RAM into my face and tell me where to go.

"Go in one level up."

HA. HAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAHHAAHA. I go in minimum 2 levels down. Try it sometime. It's a fuckin blast man. At least with friends. DO IT FOR THE CHALLENGE!

I just now had a major battle with some woman who insisted that these "poor women" will never know the security of having a home, a nice car and someone to care for them. Uh, lady? I own my home. My Kaspertaurus is peachy keen and paid for. The dogs listen to me and the cats are either trying to keep me warm or

I actually like that you have to take your ghost out for the waypoint. It makes it so you're not starting at a map the entire time.


Oh, is she another Nickleodeon star?

My kids sometimes watch that awful Sam and Cat show. It is just awful. Awful awful. I sit in the kitchen with headphones on drinking wine until it's over.

Fuckin' beaters.


Boobs aren't really out of style, they are just not the bits that society is currently enamored with. Asses have been sat on forever while boobs have received all the accolades in the media and in our culture.

The "no more fast fashion" concept is very relevant to me. After spending years always buying stuff on sale I ended up with closets packed with stuff that was just OK, and was still spending a kind of obscene amount on clothes/jewelry/accessories. In a lot of ways it kind of became like a diet where you eat a ton of

encouraging shoppers to build simpler, smaller and longer-lasting wardrobes.

THANK YOU. I'm in the "nothing's off limits to comedy" camp, but with a HUGE FUCKIN' CAVEAT that "You had better make sure that the joke works, because the consequences will fuck your shit up otherwise, and you'd better own that as well."

A whole bunch of chickenshit comedians ignore the second part.

If you have to say "It's a joke" it's not a joke.

I worked at an independent comic book store through my undergrad years*, and being the token "girl at a comic book store," I was subjected to all kinds of weird/offensive/gross comments and behavior, almost everyday I was there. Sometimes it was a little scary, but most of the time it was just a lot of really

One more piece of evidence that men who primarily hangout in male centered cultures are literally clueless to the fact that women are 'people'

His responses leave no room for doubt about whether this happened. They make him sound both creepy and lacking in insight.

We've all heard his side of the story before: "It is just a joke." "She didn't want to work." "I had no idea this has happened." "She is just lashing out." And so on. All the same lame excuses for tolerating this kind of nonsense.