The 90s were a golden time for anime. I'm not sure why returning back to that period would be a bad thing.
The 90s were a golden time for anime. I'm not sure why returning back to that period would be a bad thing.
I did eight years of City of Heroes. No regrets, best damn MMO I've ever played. Made lots of great friends too.
I'm sadly that "Insanely unpopular streamer" Oh well, maybe some day.
There's two missing: the ten year old kid who's an expert at everything, and the "I bought Minecraft and played it for half an hour and don't see what all the fuss is about, people need to stop wasting their time" guy.
Misogyny NEVER went away by ignoring it, not in 200,000 years of human history. It must be confronted.
I really feel like everyone here is missing the entire point of this article and just arguing for the sake of arguing. Luke really must have the patience of a saint.
As a Black male who has been playing video games for thirty or more years, the internet era is a confusing one. The gameplay and interaction have improved so much...and teaming with new and old friends, near and far away has been great. On the other hand, I've experienced racism to the extent that I've only really…
You should see the Facebook comment thread in reply to the PC Gamer article about Sarkeesian being driven out of her home. Half of them were 'I'll never read PC Gamer again.' Sadly, removing anonymity alone is not enough.
I suppose the part that confuses me, when anyone tries to get the "debate" back to a rational level is... why do we even need to debate or criticize her or her videos to any specific degree? I say that not because we can't have an honest discussion about feminism, but, like... "How to eat an Apple" is a thing on…
There is one thing I have realized at a young age and believe it has held true thus far in my 30 years. People either hate or fear what they don't understand.
Star Ocean 2. I've been eagerly awaiting for you to get to this game ever since I saw it on the list. Star Ocean 2 is one of my all time favorite RPGs. I've probably played all the way through it 4 or 5 times, including the PSP version remaster.
Boners can easily happen without sexual arousal, or even thinking about anything related to sex, or even in profoundly unsexy situations.
Also, men do not space between urinals because of homophobia (waaaay too many women believe this), they do it because standing next to another guy at the urinal is awkward. Imagine,…
I know quite a few white racists who have black people they consider to be friends. Just because they can make exceptions to their view(s) doesn't mean that they aren't racist.
NOTHING shows less class than being rude to those in the service industry. You can have all the money in the world, but if you're rude to wait staff etc, you are trash. FACT.
Excise him from your life like a malignant tumor.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
I'm sorry, but being friends with a racist, to the degree described here especially, is a tacit approval of that racism. So, you need to call that shit out and/or break things off.
We don't do ignorant people any favors by enabling their ignorance.
Kirito isn't a "tranny" (which is a slur, by the way, knock it off) his character is male, but the long hair and high voice confused Shinon into thinking he was female.
"Tranny" is a derogatory and offensive term which you should not use.