Terror and Love

Sweet Potato Pie is better. Tell your folks.

Laughing at me got old because they know i’ve been laughed at my entire life.

To the confused. Let me put it this way.

If it hurts the marginalized and disenfranchised more, they will do it every time. Thats been proven to me in politics for 20 years.

Its not that confusing to me. EA thought “We have Star Wars! Lets see what these ....gamers will let us get away with.”

I’m an oldie and I still cant shuffle cards to save my life.

This was good.

This hurt me.

I wish they kept better without over effort. But I do genuinely enjoy veggies and fruit. Their variety is rather incredible all told. But I know I’m not getting enough.

If he is a fake this is really going to f-over a lot people who really do get death threats and harassment. Victim already have a hard time getting people to believe them.

Whoa they are going to give it to Matt Damon arent they. Lemme guess Casey Affleck will present or some antics

-Is Nier Automata , at the least, nominated for best Soundtrack?

I dunno when EleetSniperKing420xx turns out to be a pretty chill person I always am amused.

In a couple o’ years this game is going to make a great Sports anime.

Common sense always seems so easy at ground level... but never to Execs.

Skyrim remasted is announced for direct neural interface.

This is bullshit JD. You and I know false accusations vs actual harassment is lopsidedly on the side of the harassment.

I wonder if the context is different being in Japan vs the US.

A Second Life type game but with a VR interface. Thats what I’m waiting on. It’s almost 2018.

Daaaaang! Portal! I loved that show. Scared to try to refind it tho. I know its not gonna hold up.