Terror and Love

Leon that post is really telling. Its got fascism hide behinds threaded all through it.

I dream of her embracing me in her magnificent arms as I lay my head on her shoulder and weep.

Scales are tools of the capitalist imperials that seek to suffocate us in self doubt.

Does this Pro thing improve load times or interface speed? I could care less about visual upshifting.

I’ve been on the receipt of an office infestation more than a few times. Whole freaking offices took down do to some joker coughing everywhere.

The anime series of that movie is even more odd. But its more cyberpunk/space fiction\horror.

Shouldnt screen protectors should come already installed on phones?

The public could save themselves having to foot the bill for these lawsuits by demanding police reform.

I actually think this is far more dangerous than some fools bumbling in the dark picture we have of that admin.

I actually think this is far more dangerous than some fools bumbling in the dark picture we have of that admin.

This real. You could tell Hillary was a policy geek like I’m a movie geek. This election really was just annoying stuff she had to do so she could get to the important stuff.

That idea really hurts me more than I thought it would :(

I dont know how Obama even does it.

Oooh I was so in love with Freya as a kid. Still kinda am. <3

I’m envisioning a wild child, like Gau from FF6 XD

During the holidays, my staff was afraid of being fired because of this program, so what I did was pass off my transactions to them that would improve their COL score while I took the transactions that would otherwise harm their COL scores.”

<3 <3 <3 <3

Which Legend of Galactic Heroes character are you?

Its deliberate.

On year 4 of obstruction during Obama’s term you should have realized the norms were dead. People hated on Obama for trying to uphold certain precedents. I cant blame him.