Terror and Love

Given the sometimes bizarre nature of long running comics, I wouldnt doubt that each of these vehicles had shown up in the comics at one point or another. (Indeed they might be putting these in not even knowing that).

“as ‘a predictably socially conservative judge who tends to favor state power over federal power’”

Bullies and bigots love when you follow the rules. Makes it easier to put the boot on your neck.

He’s a Randy first. He’ll reality bend on the backend after he has summoned Ayn from the beyond.

Jim’s a coward. Most people like Jim are. They wont respond.

Lol to hell with PC?... you are still a coward using dog whistles. Stand up and just use straight language. You are still hiding behind polite fictions.

This should be like an animated movie. (O.o)!

Low key I was wrong about Ryan. He might be one of the scariest fuckers in Washington. Perhaps far beyond I the sociopath I thought he was.

No squidlike aliens or friendly spider types? Ah well no one for me to date this game

Bullies and Oppressors always want the other side to practice civility and be reasonable. Makes it easier for them to put a boot on our neck.

This crowd size thing is empty IMO.

I was in a thread where they were discussing the ethics of tech people helping the gov create a database of citizens. For tracking.

Saying any form of medium can be divorced from politics is folly, at best. Shows a lot of privilege IMO.

I find it easier to read. At least in all caps.

You have to look at it from the T-virus supporters brain.

Jokes still on us tho, He got to shill on CNN for months doing damage. And I dont even think CNN took a ratings hit so.....

Now playing

I wouldnt put to much stock in hard and fast rules myself. “Genres with more women emphasize Completion and Fantasy (the top 2 motivations for women). And genres for men emphasize Competition and Destruction (the top 2 motivations for men).”

In some ways things have been bad for the bottom 75% for 3000 years.

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