Terror and Love

Thats awesome. The Civ 5 soundtrack was so good I bought it. Glad this one is too.

The Camera person knew it was imperative to film this cat. Needs a raise.

*Slow golf clap*

I really hope going forward they keep the fights from being over choreographed.

“Kylo within the first act and introduce a real villain who isn’t a bargain bin Vader cosplayer”

I think people are putting undue expectations on HRC.

Ha ha ha ha.

Are any of these comments real?


I remember watching an LP of that youtuber sim. It was surreal. I felt sadness. (Tho the game was kinda cool.)

I myself plan on trying to separate the 2 by giving specific time to experience both. Say playing the campaign on one day and multi the next.

“Even though it’s a British film shot in Hungary, nearly all of the protagonists have American accents.”

In the good timeline they would never have him on their show again.

Look at my beautiful children! I will hug them all.

“If you’ve got a shiny new PlayStation VR headset, or are thinking of getting one, here’s a cool little feature Sony didn’t really make a big deal of prior to release: it works as a basic head-mounted monitor on pretty much anything, including rival consoles.”

This is going to be so cool to play with my siblings and fam that are spread to the four corners of the US.

Also some trans folk choose to not present as their gender while traveling because the security at Airports messes with them constantly. Denying their identity, sometimes even if they have official paperwork to back it up.

Is anything from Watership Down, Transformers TAS, Return of the Jedi, or Dark Crystal on there?

I’d only want to go to the future. Even dystopian would be okay tho.

I really dont understand the nets obsession with “endorse”. He’s trash, he put out words that indicate a non-endorse state. So at this point I dont care if he actually says it. Its meaningless if he stood by all the other fuckin times.