Terror and Love

Are these comments for real? I cant tell anymore.

If your SO is into geekitry almost half the work done IMO.

Can we get a version that edits out Leto all together? (Because I despise him, not his joker).

I got stressed but then I remembered I dont have to buy this. I dont have to take a math test ever AGAIN!

Thanks for this. Its good that you were able to enlighten some on the concept of emotional labor. A thing very much needed.

Chill. You could have stopped reading. Now you learned something hopefully.

She got married awww :3

A nice gesture but it wont really do much to sway folks with their minds made up.

How much does Luckey pay you guys anyway?

Ketamine (*_*) *wiggles*

Wow these are all matched up pretty well!

Anyone cross index his tweet storms with when damning info about his businesses are about to hit?

What excuses do they use in S.Korea I wonder....good question.

Well I mean, I hate to say lag but the last time my towns infrastructure was updated ANH was on first run in theatres.

Ever run into a person saying Hillary’s ads are too negative (When they are basically just ads of Trump’s own sayings).

Oh dear... ( \_\)

I mostly read manga and webcomics these days. I satisfy my capes stuff with the movies....

Perfect screen cap in the header

1) On the one hand, all of this will happen.

R.I.P. United States