Terror and Love


Hah I dont remember posting this!

Now playing

One of the coolest Ending theme songs in gaming.

Just listen to wub wub wub. It will penetrate straight to the bone marrow.

I think Eugenics would go over the scary threshold when its against the law to have certain characteristics.

He was allowed to put 2 death stars on his X-wing as well!


I thought what the big Corps are all tizzy about is that they can mod the crops primarily so they can withstand the bug repellant they want to use. While those sprays kill everything else.

I feel like they be cool to have a beer with and chat.

Ban terrorism? yeah right.

Why would you want to impose the horrid prison of pants on a dog.

What? She looks great! A Fuckin Cool Lady.

F watching your weight.

Well a thing I’ve seen in general about Genre is a sort of embrace of Optimism.

I think the main impetus of colonization is to spread us out a little to ease the pressure on Earth.

That gif man I teared up. Finn and Poe just get to me.

I still remember the scene where the older lady marathon swims, to hook the line I think.

XX. Finn hears the screams of fear of the people seeing the starkiller beams coming.


First you knew about it was loging on and like.... whoa where the heck are my gam, who bought all these games.