Terror and Love

There were a lot of good sequences in that movie. Thinking back on it.

I would have chosen the Quantum Realm sequence for my fav Ant Man part.

Surrounding em with a good cast is also awesome. That way the reader can at least switch their concern to them. Partition up the “care” and narrative stakes.

“There will come a point when my wacko state’s legislature will run out of crazy shit to do, right?”

You are on to something here. If we couldnt see them, somehow hear them and what they propose with out the celebrity hmmmm. Filter out the extraneous info.

Darn was hoping this would be the netflix answer to True Detectives.

Grandia-style combat

My mom is officially in love with this show.

Awww. I dont think thats fair. I rather enjoyed TG. I wouldnt say it was Top 10 either no, but I comeon.

Looking forward to this. Will wash away my Gravity Falls sorrows

“But he wasn’t always set on this plan of action; as Kojima told The New Yorker, he actually considered disappearing to a deserted island for a year after leaving Konami. Then, a “Hollywood friend” stepped in and advised him to keep working:”

I always referred to him as Fake Old Wedge cause of that Rogue Squadron cover....

love that movie.

Now playing

I’ll see all your hands and raise you a

Actually, you might want to really patent that. Unless someone already has taken it.


These are going to make some people angry for some reason or another. And that thought warms my heart on this crisp winter day.

Selfie sticks are walking fossils.

How do yall find the time to watch all of this stuff? I can barely keep up with 2 shows on netflix.

I have a pretty decent PC. And the PC gaming field is so huge and varied.