Terror and Love


EXCELLENT. The EA plan to get everyone used to Targaryen style romances is proceeding apace.

"Never suffer a Time Traveler to live" - Abraham Lincoln.

Hmmm interesting. I hope they have this deal in 45 years. Cause instead of getting put into a nursing home I might want to go out this way.

Some good stuff.

It's Political suicide to tone down any defense spendng. Any. MIC rules us.

On a more serious note. We have to get out of the gravity well. Its imperative for our survival. Throne of Terra. Think of all the close calls we have or might have had. Think of the troubles that are definitely coming, deny or no deny.

Terror and Loves plan to colonize space.

Okay this one is hard to explain but let me see....

Hmmm I wonder if genemods can make supercoffee. Which can give us the ability to accelerate our brains to a new level, and slow down our perception of time,

Anyone ever read Diamond Age. IIRC some of the Victorian ladies in it used a sort of Nanoparticle screen to shield them from unwanted gaze. You'd see sort of that predator haze.

I am Terror and Love and I support any designer that will help bring back capes.

I've seen some say the trailer is too Bro-y. And I'd agree with the caveat that its purposefully done with a knowing wink. Not unconsciously done.

Dang just in 2010!!

The Tanzerouft!

The ending theme from Mass Effect 1 has got to be one of the best ending theme songs in gaming.

This trailer is so cute! I watched it like 15 times.

Everyday was like Avengers the Movie in that game.

Spiders are magical one of the marvelous of nature.

I'm not here for spider slander! (^_^) I call that foreplay.