Terror and Love

Understandable. I have a friend that is bothered by certain patterns. Its a real condition.

Someone has to defend them. These beautiful creatures are under seige daily by giant destructive beings that can squash them flat for no better reason than whim.

Someone has to appreciate these marvelous creatures. If thats the price I must pay then so be it.

If only I could really have a pet spider that big. We'd be best friends for ever.

Do you think this spider is into humans? Cause I like the moves. Terror and Love likes those moves....

Forever 21

To reach simultaneity first you must study with monks on the top of the forbidden mountain.


Throne of Terra no.....

"Comcast must be stopped no matter the cost" - Optimus


The "its just a joke" defense crew.

Lexa Doig! ..... Oh.... ah well.

Nothing wrong with Oblivion!

Mission Accepted!!

Akihiko needs his own Action Adventure game now.

Those fork like patterns are beautiful. very interesting.

"But I'm sure that my parent company is feeling expansive and and bold after the summer they've had."

Its always been weird. (^_^) With folks who love nerditry like us, we are a rather open to new ideas and seeking out new sci-fi to obsess over. But with Manga its like I see a wall to anything from Japan sometimes and it always befuddles me.

I dont know if I have the guts to. Makes me kinda nervous just imagining it.