Agreed. Popcorn is a blank canvas for flavors.
Agreed. Popcorn is a blank canvas for flavors.
Taco Seasoning +
Somebody’s ice is fresh.
It’s an industry spilling over with super-judgey emo yeasters who want to get back at the world for getting pegged in the head in dodgeball.
7. Don’t drop their phone.
I’m old school. I prefer my condiments with cat, not krazy Ks.
You can Kranch if you want to. You can leave catsup behind.
I don’t identify my instant cocoa by binary European gender pronouns.
It’s why I wear the brown lip balm. Hides that ass.
So, I guess snorting is not an option?
Next time you tell it, just say, “My fuck-happy roommate once asked me in our bunk beds if his cunnilingus-deprived, bushtastic girlfriend could use my razor to mow her puss before munching.”
Seems only fair, since if I’m ordering Domino’s, I’m already pre-loaded.
Streisand is so mentl.
Cigar City’s Joey Redner would have burned the brewery to the ground before selling to AB/InBev.