I just jezeyenned reading this.
I just jezeyenned reading this.
Just because.
So, there’s Homer proper, a tiny town up on a bluff, and then there is Homer Spit, a long stickout of land that stretches into Katchemak Bay, surrounded by water and mountains and everything you dream of. And then during summer, it’s infiltrated by about a billion anglers looking to drag halibut off the bottom of Cook…
Giant bag of crispy onions at Costco are my Häagen-Dazs. Eat ‘em like candy.
It’s Homer, Alaska, so I’m guessing that every nitwit in fishing boots is already trailing enough halibut and salmon guts through the front door to keep the Alaska Department Of Environmental Conservation’s Food Safety And Sanitation Program Department Of Long Names And Even Less Useful Actions Mandated By State Law…
Hey, Kraft got his 7th ring!
You know it.
You’re a server, not a servant.
I recognize that it’s a sign of sickness that I walk through Costco, see something cool and think, “I bet Kate would love this”
Might be time for me to revisit Peep S’mores.
I’m aware.
The helmets only come in Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large, not Bochy.
Never trust awards. Take it from a former ad guy.
Agreed. Reminded me, perhaps oddly, of when I interviewed wrestlers about their eating habits. They were athlete-level diligent about intake, humble that someone would even care and polite to an extreme, right up until they put on their big panties and wrassled with folding chairs.
Thought the same (as I was writing it).
Got a chance to interview MPW (abbreviation due to laziness, not coolness) during a book tour. I had been prepared for ill-temperament and general dickishness. He was the opposite. Learned a ton about food in just 30 minutes, including the value of fishing and hunting for cooks so that they can better learn the herbs,…
Sorry. I forgot this was NewYorker.com.
He was great as the chaplain on M*A*S*H*.
Bob’s hair seemingly changes tone and color with the frequency than a mood ring. Of course he likes things both ways.
My balls are depressed on Valentine’s Day. You don’t see anyone writing about that.