Spice Spice Gravy

Glover’s brilliant career is one Trojan horse after another.

I would normally shun the idea of cheese and pasta and peas the way lepers and outcasts were, um, cast out during medieval times. But that Pasta Carrabba, with the mushrooms and the peas on fettuccine alfredo is fire. Sh*t just works. Not gonna lie.

I visualize a day in the Deadspin newsroom with fresh Tebow fodder is very much like a stoner trying to eat his way out of a room full of Cool Ranch Doritos®. So many delicious, crispy, addictive morsels flavored with mild sacrilege.

“... so I asked the largest group of idiot adult men that I know: my coworkers.”

In retrospect, it’s possible that we’ve never had a superhero movie with two more overqualified leads.

I think it depends on the breadth of your knowledge of pop culture.

You don’t want to know what you use to order Fudgeums.

Who wrote this? Someone named Sherlock?

Or fried chicken chicken-fried steak.

I didn’t say it wasn’t great. I didn’t say it wasn’t influential or well-reviewed. I said almost no one knew about it.

Or Harley-Canes.

A food almost no one eats made by a brand almost no one cares about hijacks an album almost no one heard made by a band almost no one has heard of.

Thanks. Veggies help. So do probiotics.

All the best, LJHFP.

Sometimes I think she’s just too good for me.

Forget the onions. Use the mustard sparingly.

So my wife and I have been consuming essentially protein and vegetables for close to eight months. I’ve dropped 80.

Related: It was a VW ad that exposed me first to “Pink Moon.”

When you’re proud of your meat, you show it off. You don’t hide it behind a disguise like you’re afraid someone will see it.