It’s not good manners for women to tell other women how to dress; that’s the job of male fashion photographers.
It’s not good manners for women to tell other women how to dress; that’s the job of male fashion photographers.
From Wikipedia:
Better unicorn heads than unicorn... you know.
Took 20 minutes. Clocked it. TWENTY MINUTES. To show a replay that didn’t look like an amateur hit job.
After wrecking the infield grass. And then he and his crew slid on their bellies. And then he gave all thanks to God.
You forgot: Wreck a young driver (See: Almirola, Aric) with no ramifications. then skid on your redneck belly across the infield and give all thanks to god after tearing up the grass someone took a lot of time to manicure.
You sink in the booth, the table comes up. It’s never a normal height.
“America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed.”
If only Deadspinners were paid by the word.
“It turns out that Brooklyn, where I was born, raised, and still proudly live, produces some of the best bourbon in the world,” Schumer bragged to McConnell...” **
That’s it. I’m changing my Kinja Name to Al Gore Rhythm.
I think even the hyphen in “fast-food wrapper” adds 10 pounds.
I’m convinced whomever designs booths makes them to fit 9 year olds. Invariably, there’s no room between the seat and the table and the table comes up to your chin after you sink into the seat.
The hazy lens on Beatty is annoying at first, but then you get used to it. It’s a beautifully shot film.
Love this film. Don’t know why. Weirdly, on it’s own terms, despite the previous incarnations.
This is happening tonight. Pray for me.
Wine is horseshit. It’s a giant game of pretend. You pretend to know something about wine (you don’t). The restaurant pretends to know something about wine (they don’t). Meanwhile, the distributor is only selling the wine they can make huge markup on. If you don’t know about wine - again, everybody pretends they do…
Last year, I dropped 80 pounds cutting out sugar and carbs and bumping up proteins and vegetables. I did virtually no exercise.
From yesterday’s New York Times on the Liz Smith memorial:
How did you not do this story this way?