
If only I wasn't boycotting Lowes. Ahh well...I'll just stick to my battery operated power tools

absolutely, I don't think anyone could top that. Dunn was my fav. RIP man

The gubment will striketh down this meaningless fee with DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!!

I for one hate Verizon, their service sucks and their customer service is even worse. I unfortunately only get FiOS in my area, and while it is fast...I still cannot stand the complete lack of customer service that they offer.

"crouching the tiger and hiding the dragon" <—— is that some sort of sexual advance? What kind of games are kids playing these days?!?

probably the most incredible photo I've seen in quite some time. Amazing work.

damn it was supposed to have this picture attached

"hey hun, you said you want me to bring home milk and eggs, but I forgot what they look like...can you shows meh?"

"well Dr. Peabody, I was poking at my tonsils with this pen when I suddenly tripped and fell, and then well, I couldn't find the pen anymore. I believe I've swallowed it..."

I'm with this guy ^^^^^

that's all I could hear

I believe this video was actually a metaphor for our government and how our Congress stands by idly watching as the economy spins and spins out of control into oblivion, waiting for the majority leader to douse it with water or for the minority leader to cover it in a tarp, only to anger the economy even further. No

damn you sir, you beat me to it!

Well there goes a couple of mins I'll never get back

I can see it, therefore stealth=fail. No wonder Iran downed ours.

So wait, did Iran give us back our drone that they do(nt) have????

get a new handset/carrier

Can't really celebrate with a WIN, but damn it we can breathe a big PHEW for now...we MUST fight this thing head on!!!

If anybody knows how to clean up a nuclear disaster site and repopulate the area, it's the Japanese. Good luck to you guys, really pulling for you...

When I was younger we used to visit family back home in Egypt...back then power was always an issue, I remember being in an elevator a few times when the rolling black out would come through. Mind you, these aren't giant American sized elevators, these are designed to fit in the shaft that the stairs circulate, not