
Do you think that by Apple jumping on the NFC train that this will be the tide which shifts it's use? I wouldn't think more retailers will adopt it to appease the "hipsters"?

sure does huh??? wonder how badly this drone hated our freedoms...or what's left of them anyway.

Couldn't agree with you more. Really quite out of line.

At some point these types of people need to be locked away for a long long time. Revoke and suspend his license all you want, but the fact of the matter is it's only a matter of time before he gets behind the wheel of a larger, faster vehicle and kills someone. But thanks for revoking his license, that'll teach him!

I'm with this guy ^^^

oh, I completely agree. I'd rather wait for them to get it right, than to see a horrific accident that would doom private space sector. It's just exciting...I wasn't alive during the great space race, so I guess this is a very tiny (very very tiny) equivalent to it.

and the launch has been aborted :(

Nausea, Heat Burn, Indigestion, Upset, Stomach, Dierreiah...Yay, Pepto Bismol!!!

Yes, let's place people 21 stories underwater! Then if something terrible were to happen we will raise them quickly 21 stories to the surface. That way they don't drown, so the bends can get them instead....cause that's a way more pleasant way to die.

"Don't take any videos...go"

All I keep thinking of when I hear this thing fire is The Gundams and the Mobile Dolls they kept fighting...damn thing sounds JUST like them!! Fracking AWESOME!

or at least gum her...amiright fellas???

ROFL!!!! THAT WAS GENIUS!!!! You sir are today's winner!! BAHAHA!!!

Gorillaz know how to put on one hell of a show!! One of my fav bands

Jason Biggs approves of this pastry.

I'm with that guy on this one ^^^

"I went with little bratwursts because they're both short in length and thin in diameter, which makes them easy to work with"

I just busted out LMAO at the office....that is the greatest single thing I've read all day. 100,000 internet dollars for you sir, kudos. Don't spend it all in one place though.

The junior Mammoth froze himself because he couldn't wait for the Nintendo ROCK to come out....boy is he gonna be surprised when he wakes up.

we're ok, but Arlington was hit bad. The mayor has declared a state of disaster. Lots of homes destroyed, but so far no reports of deaths. I hope that stays the same.