an agreeable sense of the macabre

Epic. Congratulations, you have ruled the internet tonight.

Destruction of the earth!!! Climate change!!! Please don’t forget those!!!

Yeah, same here.

You need to keep paying attention and keep calling, keep writing, keep donating, keep doing whatever you can to keep the pressure on as much as you can stand. Other peoples have lived through horrifying times, we have a chance to take our country back and quite literally save the world (because global warming is a

You were the first person I thought of when I heard this news as well. It’s been a rough month.

You are a treat. So you got, like, a couple of minutes on days when you were decreasing with stupid statements, or what?

I’m finding Mattis a bit scary, actually. I was listening to someone today describing him, and apparently he is very, very anti-Iran because of his experiences in Iraq with the militants trained in Iran that killed so many American personnel. It sounds like he might well have a real desire for revenge, which seems so

My understanding from some of the podcasts I listened to today (who were all asking that question as well) is that they (Trumpworld) didn’t trust the Obama administration (I don’t know what that means or what they didn’t trust about it) and that maybe they wanted to talk to the Russians about the future direction of

I doubt it. He’ll just believe he was unfairly framed by the crooked liberal elite, and the crooked media, and the crooked intelligence community, and the crooked Europeans. And the truly hard core idiots that remain in his base will believe that too. The republicans will go back to trying to tear down and sell

I have spent a good bit of time recently imagining how republicans would be reacting if Dems had done any of the many things republicans have done recently. For example, what if Hilary had body slammed a reporter? What if the Democrats were holding secret partisan meetings to ram health care reform down the nations

It’s not a question of what I desire, it’s a question of understanding what is true.

He looks like a cross between a vampire and a pudding to me.

So, is it more depressing if he’s doing this drunk? Or sober?

Not to mention the environmental catastrophe that is happening under Trump that wouldn’t be happening under Clinton. Which we mostly don’t, but will have to face the consequences of anyway.

There’s no reason to suppose that won’t happen anyway. We haven’t escaped a more politically saavy GOP president backed by Russian money and intelligence just because we’re stuck with Trump now. The Russians have played us like banjos, and the republican party is complicit in the deal.

WHEN is Chaffetz quitting Congress? I thought he was supposed to be gone weeks ago. Did I miss something?

The best thing about Mattis is that he’s ahead of Sessions.

Yes. I heard a very intelligent and irritable woman on one of the many podcasts I listen to every day say that Trump has lived a “consequence-free life for many many years now”. That’s the essence of the problem with these people, isn’t it?

“employment mirages” is very good.

Really? Over one hundred billion in arms sales to the Saudis doesn’t look exactly peaceful either.