an agreeable sense of the macabre

My recent temp job (before joining my mother’s firm) involved Dodd-Frank - I was responsible for collecting and submitting reports from our suppliers about conflict minerals (basically to make sure they weren’t buying certain minerals from warlords in the Congo, etc.). This was a requirement under Dodd-Frank, and I

Oh man. Haven’t listened to this in forever. Awesome.

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“Groovin’ Stone” - Lucifer’s Friend

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The best version of the best song on their best album.

May gambled and called an early election, figuring on a win. We can do that in a parliamentary system such as Britain and like we have in canadia

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Some heavy early 70s funk. Betty Davis - nee Mabry. Married to miles for a blip during his filles de Kilimanjaro and in a silent way days. He was on his way to bitches. She bailed fast. She tried to get him and jimi to make a record. Miles was too jealous though. She put out three awesome albums in the early mid 70s.

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That sad moment when Chris Cornell pops up on your shuffling iPod

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On a Dave resurge of late. Ants Marching live from the Gorge

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Great job with “Midnight Rider” by some Country music dudes at last night’s CMT awards.

Like, up until the spitting and the punch, I wasn’t even mad this was so pitiful. Dude was an internet comment section brought to life.

So a couple things. First, wow, the specificity here. Telling him to get down on all fours because he’s vermin?!?! This is not something that comes to you in the heat of the moment. This is shit you have to ruminate on.