Sam Hanley

Did you really just suggest that putting tours of the White House on hold caused a comparable level of 'pain' to the public to that of shutting down America's access to the internet? Apparently you wanted to tour the White House really, really bad.

I'll take "features which would have been impressive five years ago and that Android already has" for $400, Alex.

I doubt it, but you could, you know, read the terms and conditions and then tell us?

Or, you know, get a phone that isn't an iPhone and enjoy your phone manufacturer not thinking they know better than you what you want? /troll

Still says Galaxy Gear 2 in literally the first sentence of the article. Might wanna check that again.

No, probably not. Those aren't standard PC hardware so there wouldn't likely be any sort of software support for hooking them up to the Pi.

Weird that this was posted today, I just did this exact thing yesterday afternoon. I don't even have a balance on the card currently, I was just pissed that my APR was unreasonably high. One big piece of advice that isn't mentioned here is that if the rep you first speak to claims that there's nothing that can be done

Yeah, that was my thought too. It sounds like this would basically be recording the average of all your fingertips, rather than an accurate picture of one of them. Real good way to have it not be that secure.

By "Auxo like" you mean "Android like"? /troll

This, so hard, forever. Or alternately: "If you see a bike on Gizmodo, don't worry, it's never actually going to exist. Nobody's actually dumb enough to bring that thing into reality."

I'm more inclined to agree that the kinect is no big deal than freak out, but to be fair, most of these devices, the camera isn't running unless you're directly using it, whereas the kinect by definition runs any time the xbox is on. I can see a legitimate argument that there's a difference there.

I half agree with you and three quarters agree with the first commenter — the reason that the Galaxy Nexus isn't "stable" isn't because it's got bugs involved with the basic running of it, it's just because they haven't stopped developing the CM features that they're adding to 10.1. If they declared it done it could

My biggest suggestion is buying an inexpensive bluetooth OBDII adapter. For ~$25 you can read your "check engine" codes from your smartphone, which makes it super easy to have an idea of what your car is trying to tell you before you even take it in to a mechanic. It's a super worthwhile investment.

Yes, that's his point — "this is actually about the right amount of time".

Yeah, in Cleveland it's been fine for the past couple hours, I've been loading it on and off.

Sec0nded. That's a really, really weak winning entry. I'm surprised it even made the list.

I half agree but I also feel like it's partly timing — they're the only ones who've released really strong phones on multiple carriers recently. Not that long ago the Motorola Razr MAXX was blowing up, and it was (in the US at least) only on Verizon. If any other manufacturer bothered to put out a flagship android

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Meh, there's much better examples of this type of video. The George W. Bush Sunday Bloody Sunday is a masterpiece.

I feel like a really terrible person for having the same thought. Kinda poor timing.

Yikes. At that price, you're quite right.