Sam Hanley

“Heads Up” display implies image projection onto the inside surface of the windshield.

Sorry Shep, you’re giving some really irresponsible and wrong advice here. I suspect your legal department will tell you the same.  

Sorry Shep, you’re giving some really irresponsible and wrong advice here. I suspect your legal department will tell

Stop. Biting. Your. Tongue.

I didn’t understand this sentence. Is the implication that the amount of balloon waste represented enough balloons to lift a walrus if filled with helium? I assume, but it’s really not clear.

participants collected enough balloon waste to carry a 2,200-pound walrus”

Also these reasons:

It’s funny - I was actually looking back through Filip Miucin’s other reviews to see if I could find other examples of plagiarism, but they’re all so full of cliches (“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim still holds up as one of the most immersive virtual worlds ever created in a video game”) that it’s impossible to tell.

I know these articles save people who don’t go on reddit from, y’know, going on reddit, but it still feels kind of lazy. I mean this article is the reddit thread, sorted by most popular, then copied and pasted with a few ‘User123 says’ and ‘another user suggested...’

are you new here 

You don’t remember, but she was probably already being served ads for medical weed way before you talked about it, since she’s in a demographic where chronic illness are more frequent. Your great aunt googles the same things other people her age google. Other people her age look for natural pain relief.

A link to a YouTube video is not an article.

Have you considered skipping the poor decision of posting bad opinions online?

Get over yourself.

“He got #MeeToo’d.”

Leading the opposition to Trump and his policies is the last thing Obama should be doing.

It’s silly what sites will do to force a video ad on you! They might even embed a video in the middle of an article about how to mute videos! What a world!

I don’t want to be shitty about this, but I feel like by mid-afternoon, this glaring error should have been at least fixed in the article, if not this comment replied to.

Did you mean aux-in rather than headphone jack? Cause plugging a record player into a headphone jack wouldn’t do anything. Not trying to be snotty, just they’re different things.

Obviously such a thing wouldn’t be required, but an option. Comparing this to the holocaust is ridiculous and demeans what those people went through.