Sam Hanley

All the people saying "pass" don't really have much to worry about anyway, because if it's anything like the Nexus 4 they're going to make like 100 of them and then it'll never be in stock again.

Nah man — that thing is a find.

Man, do you still have that tape? That's got to be super collectable nowadays.

This ought to read "Starting January 28th, Foursquare would be going to start publishing your full name when you check in, if anyone out there still used Foursquare".

Honestly, this is a slightly more insightful observation than I ever would have expected a) on the subject of Emoji, and b) from Miley Cyrus.

Seriously. Have a little dignity.

Eh, I'd say that it's more plausable to say "hey, clearly I didn't actually have every single order I've placed in the past few months show up DOA" then it would be to try to dispute, say, just one false charge.

I imagine the reason that social scientists might be interested in it is because of the big role social media has played in getting information out of places like the areas involved in the Syrian revolution. A reliable way to gauge the probable reliability of information coming from an unknown source on social media

I'll just leave this here: http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/untreaty.asp.

Here's the thing I'd question though — I'd argue that the measure of a good ISP isn't just how fast the internet is, but how fast it is in comparison to the number you're paying for. When broken down this way, it's always going to skew towards the ISPs that provide the highest speed top tier packages — which is great

A cynical mind might be led to think that whoever it is in China who picked that logo is trying to create confusion in the mind of someone looking at a product, thinking it's passed a certification that it hasn't really.

Something interesting to note is the remarkable similarity between the Conformité Européenne symbol and the "China Export" symbol. See http://goo.gl/GMjzq.

Yeah, they were pretty clear at the time of the purchase that it was for patent reasons. If they wanted to have Motorola make a nexus device, they'd likely have been better off doing so WITHOUT buying them — so as to not create the notion of playing favorites in comparison to Google's other hardware partners.

Dead rock stars are serious business.

Gonna second the "No". Even if get past the notion that they took instagram pictures — why are they holding/wearing random things to make it clear that they're living in the present? Shirts with random social network logos on them? That doesn't make any sense. No artist today would wear that.

I love that people are confused by what your point is.

It sort of seems like you're going to have to let go of that nickname if you're going to try to enter the search engine game.

The one feature that I really love from Cyanogenmod at this point is ADB over Network — it means that when developing and testing android applications, I don't have to bother finding a USB cable and plugging my device in as long as it's on the same wireless network as my computer. The app can just be transferred

Nope, it's definitely a three-speed internal gear hub.