Sam Hanley

Fair enough — but there's some really good folders out there already, and it just seems like the niche market of people who are interested in a folding bike enough that they're going to pay the money for it but specifically want it to have 26" wheels isn't likely very big. It just seems like an over designed bike for

No, I definitely wouldn't. Just get a bike rack for your car if you want to ride a full size bike but still carry it around with you without riding it.

Seriously, this isn't twitter.

Yeah, app.net's response to the question of "But what about the fact a paid model will turn people off?" seems to be "We know that less people will use our service than free ones, but we've priced it so we'll still be profitable!", which totally misses the point of the question. Nobody cares about whether a social

I love how Gizmodo does nothing but dump on the Samsung Galaxy Note, bemoaning that the increasing size of phones is the worst thing to happen to tech, and now they get their hands on a small android phone and the complaint is that "Android doesn't feel right on a small phone!". Any giz people want to give an example

The process is different for nook color, but arguably more rewarding, as there's Ice Cream Sandwich roms available for it. A good starting point is the Nook Color subforums at www.xda-developers.com.

Sheesh, do you honestly think she's being serious? It's clearly a parody.

I'm really happy to see this article — cloud print has long been on my list of things that I've been meaning to take a look at ever since waaaaay back when they were announced and never have. Maybe now I'll get to it.

I feel like the success of this crackdown just goes to prove further that the government is perfectly capable of going after the piracy issue WITHOUT having to push through insane legislation like SOPA. I don't see how they expect this to help their argument that the current tools at their disposal just aren't good

Except this article isn't just about tracking down spammers — it's about tracking down why spam is being sent from YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS. I would say that's a bigger deal then just getting annoying junk mail.

Makes me feel good about being a VZW customer. They're conspicuously nowhere on that list, as they'd claimed.

I may have accidentally replied to the wrong one of your posts, which may be why you're confused as to what I did and did not assert.

Reread my posts — I'm not the person who said "And the statement that Atheists believe in something is ludicrous.". Atheists absolutely believe in something. The dictionary definition of Atheism is belief that there is no god. That isn't incompatible with agnosticism. You're avoiding my actual point: Do you deny that

That's not true. The definition of an Athiest is simply someone who believes that there is no god. That doesn't mean that all atheists are the hardline people who think that because they believe there is no god that they can disprove theism.

An agnostic atheist would be someone who believes there is no god but is willing to admit that it cannot be proved. A lot of reasonable people fall into that category.

I feel like the question boils down to "Do I want to be seen as a 14-year old girl?". But maybe that's just me.

... Which would put you on the side of good. Aren't Evil Week posts usually something that would arguably be evil for you to do?

How is Angry Birds a "premium app"? It's free on Android. If you have to pay for a pro version, this smacks of someone trying to indirectly charge money for other people's apps.

I'd be totally excited about this but... oh wait... Google+ STILL ISN'T AVAILABLE for anyone with Google Apps accounts. There are some things about Google's workings that I'll just never understand.

No, it's Nazi to kill millions of people. Cell phone contracts are annoying, but really not on par with the holocaust.