Sam Hanley

A well made point — I manage to never really run into any infographics "invading" the rest of my web browsing — just those crappy filler posts here. What I'm taking away from this article is that Giz's writers need to find more interesting internet sources to repost things from.

This is a funny tirade considering that almost all the images you guys at Giz throw up at the top of articles look like a bad mashup of discount stock photography and text created from Microsoft Word '97 clip art templates. It's REALLY BAD. Like Microsoft Paint bad.

The thing to note is that amazon has switched to advertising the "with special offers" version as the price they print in big numbers. The non-ad supported touch is $139, so it's not as major a price drop as it looks like.

Then you're way out of touch. Pitchfork is huge.

I'm torn between thinking this is really cool and being concerned about the fact that it's possible to code an android app to start sending data to a remote connection without user input immediately on installation. Who knows what less scrupulous programmers could use that capability to do?

... But that's what these comments sections are for: Discussing things. You don't just go "leave me alone" when someone disagrees with your comment... if you don't want it discussed than don't post it.

I feel like this fills a niche for a good, compact monitor for things like kitchen PC projects. If only it were a touch screen.

The title should read "wheels", not "tires". A lock specifically for your tires would make no sense.

That's true. I'm just saying — they sell LTE by pushing "it's so fast! enjoy it! use it for everything! social networks! video streaming! whatever!". It just doesn't mesh with the data throttling/capping/etc. that goes on in reality.

Seriously. This is a really embarrassing article. The amount of effort involved compared to the minimal effort it takes to just give yourself enough time to park like every other person in the world is absurd. Nobody is special, there's no reason anyone should have the gall to feel entitled to park illegally, even if

Thing is though, they're stuffing HDMI ports into phones — which makes them a legitimately useful tool for streaming netflix to a friend's TV or something similar. The carriers are pushing for users to do more and more with their phones with one hand, and then are punishing them for the fact that moving our internet

I can't help but feel like these "lightning review" posts are drifting more and more in the direction of "we didn't have any actual gadgets to write about so we ran out to the dollar store and grabbed something random". Seriously, I'd take boring reviews of obscure wired routers over this dumb plastic stuff.

I'm happy to say that I just bought the Samsung Charge and I've been blown away by the battery life. Even considering the fact that it's a 4g phone, I'm getting 17+ hours on a charge no problem. Now, it's sad that that's to be considered great battery life... but it's much better than my experiences with other phones

Haha yeah that's totally true. It would just be cool to have the ability to play any game on a relatively authentic platform.

You know what would be awesome? A gameboy case made to go over the front of the iphone, covering all but a gameboy screen sized section of screen... with buttons that would activate the touch screen of the phone, paired with an emulator mapped to take inputs from the correct placements on the screen. You seeing what

Everyone thinks that two dollar bills are rare, but in reality they're still minted. You can just go ask for them at the bank. There's even groups of people who go out of their way to use as many two dollar bills as they can so as to get more into circulation.

To that I'd say that the problem is only going to get worse the longer we wait. The government needs to have a functional presence on the internet.

Everyone is flipping out about the fact that the savings aren't that big, but they're missing the second, arguably larger point: We're moving to a web-based world, and the government's web presence is horribly broken. Yes, maybe it seems like a big, potentially money-costing hassle to spend time figuring out what web

Jeeze. It seems like not streaming TV via IP protocols is a hugely inefficient decision on the part of the cable companies.

A friend of mine actually asked his chem teacher how much sodium it would take to blow up a pond... teacher thought about it and actually gave him a totally serious answer. Did warn him that it would likely constitute a biohazard though.