Sam Hanley

Pretty much anyone who took a high school chem course knows about this. It's every dumb teenager's dream to get enough sodium to blow up a pond or something.

I feel like saying "we have all been pwned" is a pretty big stretch when most of the comments on that gizmodo article were people pointing out all the blatant unrealistic elements of the video. Really the only person "pwned" is the Gizmodo writer who thought that the video was actually of a real tattoo.

I'm not saying that there aren't things that are just as ugly or uglier — I just feel like for a company that's main focus seems to be on aesthetics it seems like a really aesthetically disappointing interface.

That's what I've felt like about iOS since when I first got a 1st gen iPod Touch — the user interface just looks tacky. Every time I see a screenshot of the default iPhone setup I feel like I'm looking at a bad Chinese knockoff... I guess I'm just spoiled by being used to more customization options, but I can't help

At $616, is this perhaps some sort of cursed sweater of the beast?

Aside from the fact that this seems sketchy and douchey, I feel like if there's an item I really wanted that bad, I'd rather pay a little more for it than run the seemingly likely risk that some other buyer is going to get said item when my stupidly low offer is declined. If something is legitimately too highly

That's because chain restaurants aren't actually a good deal. Find a little, local breakfast place and I bet you'll be shocked at the fact that three plain pancakes aren't $8 there.

I guess I've never understood the point of a random password — sure, you're getting something that nobody's ever going to be able to guess, but unless you've got a photographic memory you're probably not going to be able to remember it without storing it somewhere, which seems less secure to me. I'd rather just have a

I feel like the author is missing the point here — Qualcomm isn't arguing that their processor is able to connect to the network faster, they're highlighting that they're enhancing usability of their phones by doing things like work on developing faster network standards while their competitors are just cramming more

I feel like the problem with these essential rooting apps lists is that often, the apps listed are sort of meta-apps for the process of rooting. I mean, is anyone really excited by the busybox or superuser apps on their merits as apps? Even setCPU and Titanium Backup seem to stray a little into that realm. I like the

This is awesome — can you lifehacker guys give the folks at gizmodo a refresher rundown on how to actually report on devices?

A lot of people I follow on twitter were doing that. I bet it's a large part of the issue.

The problem is that funnyjunk's business model is to infringe on copyright. It's not as though they bill themselves as a site for people to create funny content and upload it to — it's a site to post funny content you find on other parts of the internet. If they wanted to take a stand against copyright infringement,

I've just never been able to take David Pogue seriously because I saw him speak at an event one time and he quoted that hugely disproved study that said wikipedia was more accurate than the Encyclopedia Britannica. I don't feel like there's anything significant that could be explained to me by anybody who's clueless

If you click through to the iFixit source article, this isn't the tracker from the reddit user that this article claims it is. It's from someone else entirely.

Stories like this just illustrate the degree to which it's absurd what people can patent. Just because you can word it in a way that's a little different than other people doesn't mean you invented sliding lockscreens or multitouch or black bezels or whatever else one company has claimed another stole.

I feel like when you get to the point where your "car" has both a custom rocket and a jet engine, it's kind of a stretch to even call it a "car" anymore. It's a rocket powered jet that just never takes off.

You can make a more permanent and less, I imagine, messy version of this by getting a small amount of conductive thread and sewing it through the tip of the finger. I don't know anything about conductive thread but I definitely read this somewhere — possibly on Lifehacker to begin with.

I feel like there's so many bike components with bottle openers on it that starting a kickstarter to fund development of another one as if it's something new is a little lame.

I find this to be a sort of heteronormative and macho post — what if I want to sit on my girlfriend's lap? Does the chair support that too?