Sam Hanley

It's because they thrive on the insane lines and having their products be tantalizingly hard to get when they first come out. If just everybody could go out and get an iPad, the thrill would blow over way faster.

What's your big complaint with office:mac 2011? I find it much preferable to Apple's Pages application, and pretty preferable to the windows office to be honest.

Now granted, I don't own a tablet so maybe I take it for granted that I'm going to find them stupid in most situations — but still, it feels like that should be pretty obvious here. A phone can pass in a situation where you don't want a device to be blatantly drawing your attention, but a tablet can't.

I don't think this is a big question at all: Author was being an asshole and is trying to make himself feel better by acting like it's some bigger social problem. As said in the piece, a phone would have been passable but having a tablet in that situation is stupid. There's nothing more to it.

... And how is this story the same as those? There's no personal responsibility — the thing we're trained to do in emergencies from a young age is call 911, and if Verizon is going to take on the responsibility of being a phone carrier, they need to live up to the expectation that this integral function CAN BE

I still don't understand what the difference is between "new every two" and the regular upgrade pricing someone gets for signing a contract renewal. Can anyone explain it to me in a way that makes sense?

@rjdub: Yeah, except that it's been proven that there's NO risk of gadgets interfering with the navigation systems. The idea that an airplane in this day and age would be built with electronic systems unshielded is absurd. The airlines openly admit that it's just so that people will pay attention to the safety

Back when the droid eris was waiting for 2.1, there was the rumor flying around that this would let you check in for the update. I *COULD* be wrong, but I'm almost positive that someone proved that this doesn't actually check for OTA updates, but rather re-registers your system build fingerprint with the market app. I

@wjbean: I don't see how that would save any power in the end though — power still has to be taken in to recharge the battery. All you would be doing would be adding a storage stage.

@AreWeThereYeti: As someone with a droid eris — I AM running Froyo on it and it still runs angry birds crappily. The performance increase you get on an older phone by running froyo is awesome, to be sure, but it's just not as big a jump as you get moving a newer phone from 2.1 to 2.2 — there's just not as much to take

@JacobK: Yeah, but there's a video from like 1994 where Steve Jobs smugly quotes him. That's what I'm making reference to.

I heard a guy say one time: Good artists copy, great artists steal.

@seanpat12: Yeah, what? This definitely isn't targeting the same space in the lineup as the Droid 2. The D2 is a phone for the average consumer, as was the first Droid — this is a world phone targeting business people who won't accept anything that doesn't look like their blackberry. I don't see this as a sign that

@Shadow-Lurker: I'd say a good guideline for when it would be good to have a business card which you could hand out is "when you start feeling as though it would be good to have a business card which you could hand out". Sounds like you're having that feeling!

@Bat21: That seems like a "parents giving their kids access to a credit card" problem, not a problem with an iPod... It's not as though the two have to go together.

@KamWrex: This IS going to be a gamechanger in that currently, you can't use Google Checkout on android if you have a Google Apps account. I'm using an e-mail address from my personal domain hosted by google, and while it works for every other feature I use on my phone, they refuse to let me — and I imagine a

This headline is really lazy — did the author read the graph at all? It's number of sexual partners, not the amount of sex they have with said partners. They don't mean the same thing.

@icy_one: The reason they fought the sales of blank tapes was because people would copy vinyl LPs, which in and of themselves were hard to pirate (see this article as evidence...) onto tapes, which they were sure was going to mean the end of vinyl sales. The slogan was "home taping is killing music". What's ironic is

@Where's Fluffy: They won't. It's just not worth the work for them — hiring someone to pour over everyone who's ever bought it would cost way more than they lose by letting a few people slip through.

I wonder if there's going to be a similar option to upgrade office 2008 for mac to the upcoming office 2011?