
Star Wars is one of the most risk-free properties you can work with.

He’s white, male, straight, and unashamed about all 3 of those. What’s there not for Jez to hate?

Remember when Giz was a tech blog?

Can we talk about how Hans Zimmer always has that ONE SAME LICK in all the movies he composes for?

Or, you know, don’t.

I have one additional suggestion: shut up.


This isn’t a phenomenon that’s particular to the automotive industry, rather I think this is a symptom of corporate America trying to break down the boundary between an employee’s work life and an employee’s personal life. Nowadays it seems that you’re expected to make a full commitment to adopting The Company

Rhode Island is the cover up state. We had a fucking made man as Mayor of Providence for over a decade - and truth be told I’d vote him for Governor if I could, Providence was never in better shape than when Buddy was running it.

Weird. I live here and haven’t heard a word about this.

This feels kind of wrong.

You could go to a network and pitch your own idea for a show based on female scientists instead of waiting for someone else to create it

Everything is sexist if you want it to be.

Probably because it would require more materials to create a horn-rimmed-glasses wearing, polka dotted, land behemoth of a female robot.

Out of curiosity, were they written as female scientists, or is this just the latest hamfisted attempt at forcing diversity?

The guy you’re paying top dollar to mount it sure does.

The progressive left engaging in false-flag attacks? Impossible! It’s one of those evil right wing gooby gobblers false flagging as a progressive false flagging conservatives!

Now playing

Official, leaked footage of NK’s hydrogen bomb test

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