White privilege
White privilege
Those with a sense of humor.
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Well that’s great and all, but I’d rather have her cabinet bet 100% comprised of the best people for the respective jobs, regardless of race, sex or any other consideration.
I know. It’s about my next door neighbor.
It’s the height of irony that so called liberals, in opposition of an ignorant bully, act like ignorant bullies themselves in bullying an person that believes differently then them.
As a Latina also supporting Hillary: expect nothing but contempt from white commenters here. They know what’s better for us and they are baffled that we dare to think for themselves and have reasons to vote for Hillary. How can we? They know what is better and they don't agree. We must be ignorant!
I guess that would make me a heartless asshole then, because if I were on a plane and some kid was misbehaving or otherwise disturbing the flight, I would not wait until the plane was on the ground before kicking them out. I’d be the guy that opens the emergency door and gives someone the boot.
Also can you confirm that all of these people knew all of this information? I kind of doubt the stewardess announced that a child was having an allergic reaction and I doubt anyone on that plane knew the dad has stage for cancer. So while yes these people are assholes you are presuming to know a lot about the…
“they’re incredibly easy to transfer and the MLB already facilitates this.”
I see your point in terms of it seeming the character is all sex appeal and nothing going on between her ears. I’ve always detested those women (be they real or fictional) that were all boobs, no brains. It’s not an enjoyable experience reading about a character who’s a one trick pony.
That said, there are a couple of…
Clinton Campaign “We want to have a debate in New Hampshire, where it could only harm you, but we don’t want to have a debate in New York where it could harm me.”
“Manning’s got the postseason experience”
This is a fantastic illustration of Gawker.
Very disrespectful by Rondo. “Maricón” is the appropriate term in this situation.
The thing is that the Pats did make the big plays before OT, but they were negated by terrible phantom calls causing the game to go into OT. No Pats fan is taking anything away from the Broncos on the last 2 drives, they dominated it. But the game never should have made it to OT.
Tolito, DevilMayCry3 or 4 would like a word with you... (try DMC4:SE since it came out last and recently) oh and don’t bother with the easier difficulties, they are just a tutorial. DanteMustDie and upwards are quite easy
PS: totally not trolling and being 100% honest >)
If there’s one thing Irsay can handle, it’s a bunch of downers.