Didn't all of Hayley Atwell's ABC shows get canned? Better strike while the iron is smoking hot, BBC.
Didn't all of Hayley Atwell's ABC shows get canned? Better strike while the iron is smoking hot, BBC.
I like to believe that there is a CIA plant in the Secret Service with standing orders to shoot to kill if Trump even looks at the nuclear suitcase for too long. I don't know if it's true, but it comforts me.
Republicans have basically taken over the government and said "we're taking away every good thing and there's nothing you can do about it." And they're more or less right. Because they control every branch of government, they can do what they want. Checks and balances mean jack shit when a bunch of lockstepping Nazis…
"Roll credits."
I really, really wish people would stop trotting out the 10 years thing. If I am given an essay that is due in a year, and I spend most of that year putzing around, telling people how cool my essay is going to be, showing them "excerpts" from the essay that aren't actually excerpts and were actually written just to…
This poor game. Trust me when I say that anything playable about this mess is the result of Tabata and his team tirelessly working to salvage the threadbare mishmash of nonsense that Nomura spent nearly a decade putzing around with. The incoherent story, especially, has Nomura written all over it. I'm guessing that…
As a white person at this point in history, I feel comfortable saying that we are, in fact, the worst, and I support any movie or story that is anti-us.
Also, glad Julian seems to have officially joined the team. They needed a Team Dick, now that Harry and/or Eobard are no longer around and HR is too much of a clueless ray of sunshine. God Save Team Dick Julian, Long May He Scowl.
Don't worry, y'all. They actually SHOWED us Iris dying, meaning she can't possibly die now because it wouldn't be SHOCKING!!. Remember, a death on TV has to be SHOCKING!! in order to have any meaning these days.
Man, I feel kinda bad for Chandler Riggs. 99% of kid actors are cast based on how cute they are or aren't at time of casting. Acting ability rarely if ever factors into it, which is why Stranger Things was such a surprise. Kid gets cast because he's relatively cute and looks kinda like Rick, then gets to slowly grow…
The look Elizabeth gives the camera at the end is just chilling. She and her uncle spoke of being hybrid creatures earlier, but at that moment, it suddenly felt like she ceased to be a person at all, becoming fully subsumed by The Queen, a concept, an ideal, immortal and powerful, more than human… and somehow less, at…
I ~aggressively~ do not care about this show and only watched because of the crossover. The crossover did not change that, but I will say I can kinda see the appeal of Legends. It's mostly Mick "Aggressively Gives No Fucks About Anything Unflammable" Rory and Sara "I Will Fuck Every Hot Person in History" Lance.
I have to say, I'm a bit miffed at CW's marketing this as a "Four Night Crossover Event" since the actual crossover doesn't start until the last 30 seconds or so of this episode. I feel like a lot of people were watching this thinking "WHERE'S BARRY" the whole time, and this isn't exactly the best episode to introduce…
The one possible saving grace of Julian/Alchemy is that it doesn't seem like he is an entirely wiling participant in Savitar's grand scheme. Was anyone else getting the vibe that he was kind of in a trance there at the end? This might well be a Jekyll/Hyde thing. Either way, he doesn't actually seem too enthusiastic…
SEASON 4 PLOT: A serial killer is going around bumping off law students. #WhoIsTheKeatingKiller
THE AUDIENCE: Well at least it can't possibly be Wes this time!
A PERSON: Is kind, educated, hard-working, charming, and constantly looking out for those less fortunate.
OTHER PEOPLE: just fucking kill him already lol
Human beings are garbage. Bring on the meteor. I'm fucking ready.
Most Trump supporters aren't ACTUALLY bigots! They just don't CARE about bigotry! It's an important distinction! See, actual bigoted Trump supporters work actively to destroy my life, while the non-bigoted ones do absolutely nothing to stop them and occasionally chide me for whining about it! HUGE DIFFERENCE.
I would very much like to coddle Trump supporters and patiently educate them on all the myriad things they are wrong about (and oh, there are so many!) but unfortunately, it seems a large number of them want to personally murder me or at least put me in prison for the crime of existing as-is, so I'm afraid I just…