
That's why I put "I think?" in parentheses. I'm not entirely sure what they are going for with Wally, but when I imagine his lines spoken with some sense of verve, enthusiasm and cockiness, the character as-written makes sense to me. Even if the writing is partially to blame, you have to admit a decent performance

They teach microexpressions in Acting for Camera at my college, but you're right, they are kind of an advanced technique, an 'expression within an expression' if you will. At this point, a plain old 'expression' from Wally would more than suffice.

Okay, so, I've tried not to do this. I've given the kid plenty of chances to change my mind, but he hasn't, so… I'm calling it.

Best case scenario for America the next four years: We make ourselves look bad.
Worst case scenario: We make Nazi Germany look GOOD.

I'm going to be a bit of an optimist here and say that most people didn't know what they were doing when they voted for Trump. They were mislead, misinformed, misguided. They didn't understand who they were voting for.

The most cowardly, backwards genre of music there is, and this is from someone who listens to and genuinely likes a lot of country music.

"Look, I know things can be hard at your age, but trust me, it does get better… not for you though. Your ass is going to prison, and boy, they are going to eat you alive. Good luck!" ~ Joe West

Is there a polite way to tell an author to stop ruining their own canon? Seriously, at this point, I feel like Harry Potter fans would gladly pay a monthly fee to get Rowling to stop writing Harry Potter things.

Season 1 Fitz would shit himself if he could see the badassery of his Season 4 self. I actually had to pause the playback for a bit when he pencil'd that guy's hand. DAMN, SON. That was some straight Jason Bourne shit. Somebody's been training with May in his off hours!

I can smell the despair wafting off of this article, and I'm right there with you. That Trump is even a viable candidate is the most damning indictment of America I could NOT have imagined a year ago, not even in my wildest parodies of conservatism. He is Poe's Law made flesh, an Onion article that gained sentience

"Adorable child subjected to horrible things" is a hell of a niche to be typecast in, but hey, it pays the bills! Of his parents!

Tyrell and Mr. Robelliot totally did the deed while Elliot was in blackout mode, didn't they? I bet that's how Mr. Robot got Tyrell onboard to begin with. He seduced him with his Alderson wiles.

*sees article title*
*sigh* Let me guess. El is the monster.
*reads article*
God damn it.

Hello, again, friend of a friend! Been a while since I rewatched this. I suppose this is as good a reason as any.

Very, very late, but I would be remiss if I didn't take a cue from Jason Street and add my name to the wall of people whose eyes were cleared and whose heart was filled by this astounding piece of television. I don't know that they'll ever make another show that gets to me the way this one did.

Another reason to never, ever buy an Apple product! I mean, I didn't need any more, but I appreciate that they keep giving them to me nonetheless.

The image of Root!Machine holding silent, unseen vigil over the dying, watching them so carefully in their final moments, is one of the most haunting and beautiful things this show has given us, and I'm grateful that they saved it for this last episode. Perhaps that is the true beauty of what Harold Finch created— a

Okay, Universe, I was fine when you kept tossing former Glee actors into the CW Superhero pool, but Teen Wolf? That's going too far!

Very little fanfiction exists to replace or correct the source material, and those that do tend to be… not very good. The best fanfiction contrasts the source material. Characters who are miserable are allowed to be happy. Characters who are happy are brought low and made miserable. The fantastic is made mundane

As a performer, Bo's last onstage song in Make Happy is one of the most disquietingly accurate summations of entertainment I've ever seen, especially his sentiments towards the audience. "Part of me loves you, part of me hates you, part of me needs you, part of me fears you" is possibly the most honest thing I have