
When Donald Trump inevitably tweet-triggers the end of the world, I hope the first missile goes directly into Jack Dorsey’s asshole.

A title sequence is part of a show’s packaging, as integral as advertisement in managing audience expectations and setting up mood and tone. A good title sequence sets the audience up for the hour-or-so to come. It can establish themes, hint at larger mysteries, build familiarity with certain images and leitmotifs,

Ultimate Joke Ending: Edmure Tully becomes King of Westeros because literally everyone else of any importance is dead. He is the greatest king in Westerosi history and ushers in a golden age. All is well.

Now I’m thankful to be reading this on computer with The Extension That Shall Not Be Named.

I would like to thank the header image for reminding me of Bowser’s Pimpmobile, the coolest of all video game cars.

All the Starks are idiots as far as I can tell. Jon should have been mega murdered at the Battle of the Bastards and actually was murdered at the Night’s Watch, only getting out of that because The Plot Needs Him. Every time the situation calls for intelligence or restraint, you can bet your ass that Jon Snow will

If you’re going to work backwards from the conclusion you want like these writers clearly did, you have to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why the characters would do what they do, and this... really isn’t. It actually just makes it worse. I assumed when I watched the finale that the sisters had always

Hehe, Llamas.

People like Joel Osteen are a pretty convincing argument against the existence of the Christian God, because I feel like if he were real, and people like Osteen were down here preaching this garbage in his name, Joel and his ‘church’ would have long ago been crushed by a mysteriously fist-shaped meteorite.

If the series started as a big dumb fantasy romp, I wouldn’t mind this. But it didn’t. It started as a very deliberate, meticulously paced, and thoughtful fantasy romp and only recently became big and dumb. That’s the problem, really; we were bait-and-switched. I don’t mind big dumb shows or thoughtful and deliberate

I’d call the DCCU a trainwreck, but that doesn’t seem quite right. It’s really more of a shipwreck; this massive, cumbersome thing that has been set on the wrong course for so long and takes so much energy to turn around and stop that there really isn’t anything to do but watch the very slow and completely inevitable

Ah, of course. He's too busy writing literally everything except the next book in the series and starting a bunch of other projects he probably won't finish.

In retrospect, it's clear now that it wasn't the incest the show disapproved of, but the infidelity. If you're going to bang your relatives, at least have the common courtesy to do it openly and in the confines of marriage. That's the Targaryen way!

The Dr. Branhattan jokes they were throwing around on-set make a lot more sense now. Bran could solve 99% of the show's problems by calling everyone into a room together and just telling them how it is and how it's gonna be. If anybody gives him lip, all he has to do is start describing something naughty they did in

Honestly, as someone with autism, even a well-written version of this show would annoy me. I don't want shows "about" autism, I just want autistic characters to appear in more things, in more varied roles than "hypernerd." For example, Baby from Baby Driver. Dude puts off strong autistic vibes, but isn't stereotypical

The internet's hate for Ed Sheeran is the main reason I love him and want him to appear in more things. The mouth-foam of angry nerds is a great moisturizer.

Consistency is the thing. The second half of Daredevil season 2 is such a nosedive that it takes it out of the running I'm afraid.

Agents of SHIELD is the most consistently good comic book show currently airing and I have no idea why this article seems to think otherwise, especially given the episode reviews available on this very site. Season 1 was the only weak season— every season after that has been an excellently plotted and well-paced

Bran.exe has been forcibly updated to THR333Y3DR4V3N.apk, which, in the spirit of modern app updates, removed several features people liked (personality, empathy) in order to make room for things that no one asked for (all the information in Westeros and no ability to use it productively).

Wait, what? He knew the song was being used on the soundtrack but was somehow caught off guard by it appearing in the actual movie? Call me crazy, but that sounds an awful lot like retroactive price gouging to me.